wasting and clamped fins - need help


New Member
Mar 25, 2004
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I bought a male swordtail recently and he appears to have clamped fins, wasting away and rubbing agaist objects in the tank. No other visible signs at all. I used Melafix and Pimafix to treat for a bacterial infection that has not worked. I then went for the jungle cure (tablets) for internal and external parasite, after 4 days of this treatment the fish still seems to be getting worse. I am fairly new at this, ( 4 months) and I cannot find anymore info on the web that can help me, my other male swordtail is now the same only he appears very listless. Another couple female swordtails is starting to get clamped fins as well. Any info would be appreaciated, if I did something wrong , please let me know. I already know the male swordtail should have went into a quaritine tank before I placed himin my 55 gallon.

Is this a new tank or an established one? Can you also give the water parameters please.
Never mix medications when treating fish. :no:

Do a water change of around 30-50% and then resume treating the fish. The jungle tablets don't really work, IMO. I'd suggest sticking with the melafix.

I was wondering, are you removing the carbon from your filter, if you have any?
Tank has been running for 4 months, I only test for PH , ammonia and nitrite

PH = 7.0
Ammonia and Nitrite = 0

Sorry should have given more info. I did a partial water change between treatments, although according to aquarium phamacutical melafix and primafix are safe to use with other treaments, but I understand what you are saying. I will do another water change tommorrow.

Good to know about the Jungle tablets, I will not try these again. I have removed the carbon from both my filters.

No sign of ich, although a couple days before my 2nd male sword got sick. It looked like one female platty and one female sword had a couple spots on their tails. I raised the temp to 82 and they seemed to have disappeared.

Flicking is one of the signs of ich but the wasting away is suggestive of internal parasites. I'm a strong believer in natural remedies and would treat the tank with melafix once the carbon is removed. I'm sorry I can't help more and I hope that your fish recover. Just one more thought, are the new fish being bullied by the other tankmates? Sometimes stress can bring on disease.
Thanksfor the help, the new tank mates were not bullied by the others. I am really at a lost. I have done tons of reading, that is kinda why I went with the jungle tablets and the melafix as they are not suppose to hurt the benefical bacteria. Guess I may have to try something else for internal parasites. I read something about minced galic mixed with food helping but I am not sure bout this.
Anyway thanks

Thanks for all the help. I have done a 30% water change and since the fish are rubbing agaist things worse. Last night I also lost my nice blue female platty who had not show any symptoms of any disease. Anyway I will have to look for something better to treat for an internal parasite. I also replaced my cabon in my filters for the moment as I figured it is better to get out the old medication before I start something else.

Once again thanks

fchaulk said:
Thanks for all the help. I have done a 30% water change and since the fish are rubbing agaist things worse. Last night I also lost my nice blue female platty who had not show any symptoms of any disease. Anyway I will have to look for something better to treat for an internal parasite. I also replaced my cabon in my filters for the moment as I figured it is better to get out the old medication before I start something else.

Once again thanks

the jungle fizz parasite remover tablets (for internal parasites) have had a 100% success rate in my tanks within 48 hours!
try them
i'm telling you those tablets have worked for me for everything i trealed!
even an EXTREMELY bad case of fin rot
and best of all you don't have to change the temperature of the tank and it doesn't hurt your biological filter or snails
Ok lost my original male sword lst night. This morning I took my fry out of one of my 10 gallon and it is now going to be an hospital/quartine tank. Had to do this as treating the 55gallon is too expensive. The only 5 fish that showed varying symptoms in my 55 gallon has been moved to this tank and I am treating it for an internal parasite again with the jungle fizz tablets. No signs of anything on the rest of my fish in the 55gallon.

The male sword that originally brought the problems is now super thin but seems active, the other 4 I removed are just showing clamped fins and some rubbing on objects. The male sword also has a piece of his skin hanging of like a real large scale but it looks normal underneath. Just wondering if I should take him out and put him out of his pain ( not by flushing of course) . what do you folk do in this situation?

:S understand what you are going through. sounds like what i am experiencing. had to get rid of my black male molly today. between work and this fish tank i have seen enough death these past few months.

i tried the tank buddies and did not have any luck with them. i tried two types of antibiotics, pepso food. nothing seems to work. i dont understand it either :( .

i am at a lost with what is going on in this tank. dont seem to be able to find any info. either. hope tonight was the last death i have to experience with this batch of fish i purchased at the same store.

good luck to you :D

The rubbing and fin problems could very well be ich even if no visable spots have appeared. Sometimes ich can hide inside the gills which you just wont see. I have had this same problem with a platy..no spots..lots of rubbing and a general deteriation in fins. Swortails are very similar to the platy and it might be worth trying out what finally sorted out my problem.

Fistly...what fish are in the tank?

If they are all salt tolerant then add 1 tbs per 5 gallon and raise the heat to 86+ (again make sure they are tolerant of this heat).

If you have a QT tank it might be worth putting the really sick swords in their and trying this treatment. I did this for the platy and within a few hours his fins were no longer clamped and he was looking so much better. . A full 7 days later he is a little frayed but back to being himself. The salt acts as a tonic and helps with gill problems.

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