Was told plecos grow... Is it true


Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2003
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Mountains of Northern California, USA. At the
I was told that Plecs grow to accomodate their environment and would be OK in a 30 gal tank. The fs told me a long time ago that anything over a 20 gal tank would suffice because they wont out grow it. Is this a total false-hood or is there something to it. I have a 29 gal tank and one small pleco. I will be getting a 55 gal in the next 6 months. Do I have time or do I need to do it sooner?

I actually had a breeder tell me that plecos stop eating algea at about 8 inches and start attacking fish. Am I being handed a bunch of crap?
I've seen very large pleco's in small tanks. But don't worry, I don't think he'll out grow the 29 in six months or so.
As they get older and bigger pleco's obviously eat more and most home aquariums don't produce enough algea to feed a large pleco. And some will ignore the algea alltogether as they grow. They need blanched zucchini, squash, green beans, leafy lettuces, some sort of greens and/or algea pellets. Some will also eat an occassionaly blood worm or brine shrimp, but they still need greens.
I've heard people say their pleco killed one of their fishes and though pleco's aren't usually fish eaters they will take advantage of the death of a fish to have a snack of it.
Dont know if this answers anything, but one of my first inhabitants was a 2" pleco. I have owned it since the end of February. The thing isnt so little anymore. It is now 5" long in a 55 gal long tank. I have seriously thought about taking it back to the store since I changed his habitat a bit. He now doesnt have the hiding space that he once had.
Thanks for the info. B)

I feed algea pellets, zuchini, Romane (SP?) lettuce, and occasionally a bit of blanched carrot. question is how long do you suggest I leave each of those in the tank. I usually put it in an hour before I go to bed and take it out in the morning. ( except for the disks ) Do the disks and veggies add to over feeding problems?
bink do you know what pleco it is some dont get big while others do. just depends however I cant see a pleco outgrowing a tank in less than1 year. you can stunt the growth of a pleco and shorten his life span by keeping him in a tank thats too small. they are like cichlids in a way the can sometimes take up large territories.
your pleco will outgrow that tank and they can grow 8 inches in 6 months or more! as i mentioned earlier in the helpfull info bits in this section. Just because the shopkeeper tells yu something never believe all of them how many do you know that have passed an exam to qualify themselves to sell animals or inform the public about them! very few, so my advice always read and double check before you buy any form of catfish, plec or other fish. This again are my views they are not meant to be mean/angry/hurtfull etc etc. so dont take offense. I give advice and also my opinions.
:-( :-( :-( ;) :D :lol: Cry, you're so mean/angry/hurtful etc. (he says with big broad smile on face). When advising people on fish at work many are surprised at how big a Hypostomus or Liposarcus (generally both sold as 'common plec') can get. You should see their faces when you inform them a 3" Gibbiceps can get to 18"!!! As suggested, greens are liked but prawns are also a nice treat every now and them. Many Loricariids will graze on dead fish, it is what they do in the wild and may make up a large amount of their natural diet, as well as fallen fruit and vegetation etc. Many are scavengers and opertunists by nature. :)
mean me never :sad: :sad: i like seeing peoples faces when you say! plecs oh yeah some get 3inches up to a tank busting 24 inches(18 or so in tanks is common!) or more( if you lucky to have a wild specimen)
If the fish stores would only tell these folks what they're in for when they purchase their cute little kittie fish at 2 inches.
That's why I try to stay with the smaller varieties like the bristlenose. I just purchased a cute little rubbernose the other day too. Couldn't help myself. I think I have a new obsession coming on. :huh:
Its also down to the person buying the fish, to read up on anything before they buy it! Never trust a lfs to tell the truth as many wont or dont. It much better to wait a few days and find out for yourself rather than buy something you can not look after in the rite manner.
when i first bought my pleco he was a inch long i have had him for 6 months now and he is 7 inches I had him in a ten gallon tank at first I just recently moved him to a twenty long that should be bigger enough for him until i get my 55 gallon set up which I plan on doing today I was waiting for my tank to finish cycling it is in its las stages it has high nitrites right now is that 20 long ok for him right now? or did I keep him in the 10 gallon to long I dont want his growth stunted.
well if i knew how big a 20 long was i would tell you but the usa and uk tank sizes differ! some of us refer to gallon and some to sizes like 56x24x18. so if you could make the post in inches and gallons then that would be great. with large growing plec you need something bigger than what they grow like a 12 inch plec for instance would go in a tank no smaller than 42x18x18 ( some may disagree) but the bigger the tank the better! as long as it back is not deformed or arched! or they are hiding in cramp places then while they grow yes but i would not recommend it to anyone to keep them in small tanks!
When I got my first tank about 6 months ago, the first fish I bought was a common plec. I was told by the lf he'd be fine for my 13 gallon tank :grr: Stupidly I thought they would know what they were talking about. Anyway, I kept him in the 13 gallon for about 4 months and he got a bit bigger but not by much.
He's now been in my 55 gallon tank for 6 weeks and in that time he has grown by 3 inches. So I guess they do grow to fit the size of the tank, or I hadn't realised how much his growth was being stunted by being in the smaller tank.
well you have been a great help i will try to find him something big to hide in he was in a little cave like thing that he stayed in all the time now he wont hardly go in it anymore I guess it is to small for him I will have to find him something bigger to hide in threw the days

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