Was I Right


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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Last night I placed my angel in some very cold water with ice to ease her pain, she was for 2 hours completly all over the place and had no control over her smimming, she was upside down lying on the bottom of the tank sideways and seemed very poorly.

I have read that this type of thing can happen and the fish should be put to sleep. (swim bladder ect)

just wanted to know if i made the right decision. (i hope so)

I have tested the water and all seems fine, nitrite was slightly up but not by much.

Please confirm that i havent put a fish to sleep that had a chance.

thank you
Last night I placed my angel in some very cold water with ice to ease her pain, she was for 2 hours completly all over the place and had no control over her smimming, she was upside down lying on the bottom of the tank sideways and seemed very poorly.

I have read that this type of thing can happen and the fish should be put to sleep. (swim bladder ect)

just wanted to know if i made the right decision. (i hope so)

I have tested the water and all seems fine, nitrite was slightly up but not by much.

Please confirm that i havent put a fish to sleep that had a chance.

thank you

it sounds very much like swim bladder caused by poor water conditions, any nitrite reading is worrying and should be addressed immediately.

more often than not when they have swim bladder problems by the time you see any symptoms it is too late to be able to save them. so although no one can say definately what would have happened the chances of the fish surviving would be very low. i have seen a lot of people post worrying about swim bladder and being advised it may be the best thing to do to put them to sleep. really it's a personal descision, only you can tell if it's really right or not.

you do however need to address your nitrite reading, do a water change to get it down and you need to know why it's shown a reading in the first place, is your tank cycling? could anything have caused it to cycle again? any new additions or changes to the tank?
Last night I placed my angel in some very cold water with ice to ease her pain

This def isn't the most humane way to go. Would you want to freeze to death? I've heard the best way is to just pull them out and cut their head off. Cut's off the nerves and the brain is dead within 10 to 15 secs because of the lack of oxygen.
Last night I placed my angel in some very cold water with ice to ease her pain

This def isn't the most humane way to go. Would you want to freeze to death? I've heard the best way is to just pull them out and cut their head off. Cut's off the nerves and the brain is dead within 10 to 15 secs because of the lack of oxygen.

The trouble is cutting their head of sounds so gruesome, I don't think many people could bring themselves to do it. I know I couldn't!
Last night I placed my angel in some very cold water with ice to ease her pain

This def isn't the most humane way to go. Would you want to freeze to death? I've heard the best way is to just pull them out and cut their head off. Cut's off the nerves and the brain is dead within 10 to 15 secs because of the lack of oxygen.

I did my research, this is best way to go takes 2-3 sec, and go into a cold enduced shock. and therefore die.
I was not the question anyway.
Last night I placed my angel in some very cold water with ice to ease her pain

This def isn't the most humane way to go. Would you want to freeze to death? I've heard the best way is to just pull them out and cut their head off. Cut's off the nerves and the brain is dead within 10 to 15 secs because of the lack of oxygen.

I did my research, this is best way to go takes 2-3 sec, and go into a cold enduced shock. and therefore die.
I was not the question anyway.

:/ Sorry spudgun2k, I didn't answer your question. I don't know much about this disease so I can't help there. But your choice of euthanasia is definitely the way I would have done it, sounds so much more humane.
Last night I placed my angel in some very cold water with ice to ease her pain

This def isn't the most humane way to go. Would you want to freeze to death? I've heard the best way is to just pull them out and cut their head off. Cut's off the nerves and the brain is dead within 10 to 15 secs because of the lack of oxygen.

There is a pinned topic by Steelhealr somewhere about on this subject. Basically, sticking them in the freezer is cruel, but letting them die from hypothermia in cold water is probably not. I don't think you need to feel guilty at all spudgun2k- it sounds very much to me as if this fish was dying and you chose one of the two or three humane ways of euthanasia :good: It is horrible for the person who has to do it, but sometimes it is the kindest thing we can do for our fishy friends. I have never known a fish that was in the state you describe to actually recover.
i would of done the same thing i could bring myself to do it not emotianally. but all the gore would haunt me

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