Warning To You All!

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Dec 26, 2010
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Hi all. I'm posting here to give you all a warning that someone who I believe to be a member on here is somehow managing to get personal information from our profiles.
I have spent the last few hours believing that I had been talking to another member on here when in fact it was some person that has somehow managed to get hold of my mobile no. Which I have never displayed on the Internet.

It basically started from another members post on here in which this hoaxer has fed off by keeping the topic going by phone txt and once I realised that it was a load of crap (I pm'd the member who the hoaxer was imitating to confirm) the hoaxer started to get aggressive by threatening my wife and kids. . That person will be soon be getting it straight back at him 10 fold once my mate at BT finishes the mobile no. Trace.

If you get a txt from mobile no. 079814913 claiming to be another member on TFF then tell them right off.

This is not some prank, this is serious!

I don't know what the moderators can do about this but what I will say is be careful what information you display about yourselves in your profiles and when posting!

Right, if you need me, I'll be digging myself a hole!

Ps- MODERATORS/ADMIN please warn others about this as I get the feeling I am the first of many.

Pps- please don't ask me the details as I have already embarrassed myself by explaining to the other member partially involved.
Any pm's sent by yourselves regarding this will be ignored and deleted.

Take care all.
Mod here, will move this to BA&S right now and will discuss this with the other mods.

Have you reported to the Police mate? If he was making serious threats then I would suggest it. I would also suggest removing your location from the Salties map, and checking your privacy settings on anything social network you use, it's a nice idea but gives people a good way to work out where you are, then name search etc, especially given that people post on here about being out of the house or on holiday. You can find a lot of info with a few bits of the jigsaw as to who you are, where you live from open source internet stuff.

Would it not make sense to post this to the top of all forums instead of putting it somewhere where nobody ever looks. A warning is no good if nobody sees it.
Have you reported to the Police mate? If he was making serious threats then I would suggest it. I would also suggest removing your location from the Salties map, and checking your privacy settings on anything social network you use, it's a nice idea but gives people a good way to work out where you are, then name search etc, especially given that people post on here about being out of the house or on holiday. You can find a lot of info with a few bits of the jigsaw as to who you are, where you live from open source internet stuff.

Would it not make sense to post this to the top of all forums instead of putting it somewhere where nobody ever looks. A warning is no good if nobody sees it.

Good point mate. In terms of social network sites, I'm on Facebook but my personal info is not listed and I never use it!

I to think that this should be in all forums so everyone will notice this!
Have you ever accessed facebook from your phone? If you have anyone that is friends with you on facebook, or anyone that views your profile (dependent on security) can view your mobile number.
You want help digging that grav..... Hole mate.
Im not sure mate, not up on tech., but can you not block a number on your mobile, if someone texts me, i can go down the list and it says block the number,..Maybe a idea, other than that, sorry to hear this person is abusing your Family, that is low, i would not blame you shouting and screaming down the phone at them,,, :crazy:
@OP. mobile numbers have 11 digits not 9
that said,. I hope you contact the police. threats to family are not on.

Edited by Bignose to add: we edited the number to remove a few digits. This forum does NOT allow the posting of personal details in public -- ANYONE's personal details. This matter is under investigation by us, but we do not have the right to allow anyone to post anyone else's phone number.
I just noticed what is says on your avatar, they might just get it back a little more than 10 fold (well their butt will anyway!!!)
yes our woody is a bit over trained in the hurting people department.
I have contacted the server owner that TFF is run on to see if anything has been compromised. From my end it does not appear to be an issue with the forum security itself, rather a situation of keeping personal information secure.
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