Warning For Mudskipper Owners!

Do anyone know if the indian and the atlantic mudskipper can be keept together? If the Atlantic mudskipper sees the indian mudskipper as a rival in the tank, the indian mudskupper does stand a chance.
The Mudskipper normally referred to as the Atlantic Mudskipper is P Barbarus which is much larger than the ones normally labelled as Indian Mudskippers.  P Barbarus will not tolerate tankmates, you might be lucky if you have a massive tank that allows a large volume of water capable of housing underwater fish of a similar size that won't fit in their mouths such as Scats, Archers or Anableps.  The problem is that unless your tank is about 3 metres long you won't be able to provide a sloping sandbank and sufficient dry area to keep the skippers happy.
Thanks Iliveinazoo and Maurizio. I havent tried to keep different species of mudskippers together have any of you?
I keed Babarus with many diffent other fish, which it is not aggressive towards.
Mads said:
Thanks Iliveinazoo and Maurizio. I havent tried to keep different species of mudskippers together have any of you?
I keed Babarus with many diffent other fish, which it is not aggressive towards.
I've kept a group females in the past consisting of 3 P.gracilis and 4 P.argentilineatus.. They were all the same size and never had aggression issues though they were a bit picky when it comes to food though as they only accept live food

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