Wanting To Cross Over To The Saltie Side!


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Hi everyone! I currently have two tropical tanks (one is without fish, only just starting it) and basically, I am so jealous of anyone with marines! My ex-neighbour (also work collegue, also uni attendee) and her partner set up a marine tank and it's gorgeous. Everytime I go into my LFS I spend atleast 10mins checking out the salties...amazing! They had a shovel nose shark in there on saturday!

So basically, I think I will set up a salt water in 4mnths or so. Depends on how this new tank goes (fingers crossed no problems, my old tank has never had a problem). I won't be setting it up until I've moved out of home as two tanks in the parentals house is enough I think lol.

So what size tank should I be looking at? I don't want anything little (ok, maybe a 4ft? not sure exactally) as I know bigger is easier generally. I would like a live rock + fish but am not sure...what exactally is live rock? I thought it was anemones and corals but now reading other peoples posts I'm thinking otherwise. What gear will I need? What is RO? What fish would you recommend? I plan on chatting to the guys at my LFS as well when the time comes around. I know my neighbour had prawns stinking out her house for months...I will need to do this for a biocycle obviously?

First you need to have an idea of what size fish or what fish you want to keep. Most fish in the lfs are babies. Live rock is pretty much just rock that has denitrifying bacteria on it. If it has been shipped or out of the water for more than 15 minutes there may be some die off which is great to start your cycle. You will most likely need 2-3 powerheads turning over at least 20x your water volume per hour. Lighting to see the fish a heater or two thermometer and possible a sump. A skimmer is also optional but suggested. RO stands for reverse osmosis. Its basically a filter that reverts water back to its purest form. Pretty much like catching rainwater in an area that has no cities within a hundred miles of it. And as I said before it all depends on what fish you would like to keep what size tank you have. There is a min of 1000 gallons for a shovelnose shark.
Definately don't want a shovel nose lol probably should've stated that. I just thought it was really cool.
Just going off the top of my head and what I remember seeing at the LFS, I thought the cowfish were pretty cute. Also clowns, dory...I don't really know what's out there.

What are good combinations of any size?
About 125 gal min for the cowfish. Based on Lactoria cornuta. 180 gal for the Paracanthurus hepatus. 30 gallons for most clown species.

I will pm you a link to a place where I browse fish I don't know if it is sanctioned to post on the forum but it should give you some ideas.
Regal tangs [dory's] require a min tank size of 5ft, 6ft recommended!

When your ready to setup a marine tank then give us all a shout and we will guide you through it and advise you if need be.

In the mean time, research, research, research!

Check out the journels and read through the pinned resource threads as theyre packed full of all the vital info needed.

Look forward to seeing your salty adventure unfolding soon! :good:

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