Wanting To Build A Sump Tank For Educational Purposes, And Having A Fe

I had to search what gravity feed was, lol, but yeah i'll be sticking with the siphon HOB overflow (think that's what they're normally called). I also researched the maxi-jet 1200, not sure what circulation flow rate is but i'm guessing i'm supposed to look at the powerhead flow rate which is 295GPH. I live in Thailand so i'm not sure if they have it here. If i can't find it i'll browse around for similar GPH's and report you on all the brands i found. I'm sure you have more experience with the brands that make submersible pumps. But generally what i'm looking for is the one that's most quiet, since the tank is right infront of my bed. (Not really a heavy sleeper aswell)
Yes, HOB overflow is the siphon kind.
You look at the pump rate and the headloss. Headloss is how much gph it loses So a pump that pumps 300gph may only pump 200 if it's pumping 2 feet up etc. Most have this information on the box.
The maxi-jet and rio+ pumps are more affordable, lower GPH pumps that should do the trick for you. Generally the noise from an overflow isn't so much from the pump, which is muted by the water, but from the sound the drain makes. There are methods to quiet them which you may need to explore depending.

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