Wanting Ray Need Info


Fish Addict
Dec 23, 2005
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Ok i want the smallest ray avalible however what si the common name for this and how big will my tank need to be?
Please include photo's of that paticular ray
When you have atleast 180gallons, experience and alot of money to take proper care of them then I'll answer this seriously.
If you want information about anything why not research it yourself on the internet?

As for keeping Rays, I agree, they are definatly not for beginers and since you are 14, new to fish keeping and are having problems keeping the fish you already have Id forget the idea.

Item one- To quote from CFC (if he doesn't mind too much...)
Rays can defend themselves very well if needs be using their serrated and barbed tails to slash and stab at attackers but fortunately this is a rare occurance. Physically rays are quite tough animals but they are very sensative to water quality and any toxins in their enviroment, as little as 0.1 ppm of ammonia can easily kill them and they dont handle nitrates above 40-50ppm very well at all so an almost military regime of large water changes is needed, they also cannot be treated with any of the commercial aquarium medications (with the exception of melafix and pimafix which are 99% water and 1% natural active ingredient and emulsifier) so if any diseases occur there is very little that can be done for them.

Item two- The whole responsiblity issue....

Item three- Cost- Most rays of a decent size cost several hundred £.

Item four- You have no idea what you are talking about.
But you can learn mate, So since you were born you have known EVERYTHING you know now?,
No didn't think so- Everyone has a first time at something whether it's keeping rays or skydiving..
Bet CFC didn't know about rays, bet he researched like me so what is the problem?
like i said, try asking when your in a position of getting a tank of atleast 180 gallons, your biggest one is only 30 odd gallons, this is not even big enough for a newly born pup.

Going from past posts and the way you have bought fish against advice I'm not wasting my time taking this seriously.

When keeping rays you need to have money behind you incase you run into problems.

There's plenty of info in past topics about rays so use the search button. Your going from keeping bog standard every day tetras to keeping rays, you need some experinece inbetween.
There is a vast difference between knowledge and experience... Ray keepers are not silly people who decide they want a ray just because its a cool fish/whatever and go and buy one for the hell of it. Since you came here and asked the most general question you can ask, you evidently are nowhere near experienced enough to even think about keeping rays. As paul said, go and keep oddballs for a few years then come back and ask again.

Pfft, write more slowly paul :mad:
You need alot more experience with keeping fish before even thinking of getting Rays are they are hard to keep and not for total beginners like you and as someone else already mentioned they are very expensive.

Like I said before if you want info about Rays and how to keep them look on the internet, like Paul_MTS said you dont have the space, experience or money to actually get one so nobody is going to spend alot of time telling you everything when you can just as easily look yourself since you are just asking out of curiosity and dont actually plan to get one.
If you like Rays but cant afford one, or have the experience to keep one, get a hillstream loach instead.


But you can learn mate, So since you were born you have known EVERYTHING you know now?,
No didn't think so- Everyone has a first time at something whether it's keeping rays or skydiving..
Bet CFC didn't know about rays, bet he researched like me so what is the problem?

I researched rays for 5 years and waited until i had a mature 200 gallon tank before buying my first ray, i then waited another year and gained hands on experience before buying a second one.

Keep some oddballs for a while and get a big tank while reading as much as you can about keeping rays before even thinking of buying one.
Gotta agree with everyone else!
These are not for the beginner!
I do water changes every week, have a 230 gallon tank, maintence Every day, enhance their food with Vitamins, have paid a little fortune for my last ray (yeah CFC you paid more for your male :look: ), and you don't want me to contine!
They look cool but are not for someone who is not going to be serious!
My ten cents!
I agree with the others, rays need delicate care, a LOT of space, cost a lot... Get yourself a hillstream loach... They are also poisonus. It is obvius you didn't even use the search button, or google!! Giving any info to someone like that is pure vaste of time... Please research fish you even think about ownung someday before making a topic like: Oh I want to have one of the most expensive, most hard to keep fish, I am wondering if I am "mature enough", I have a 30 gal tank...

Sorry for the rough words, but that's how it is...

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