Wanted: Pics Of Good Goldfish Tanks


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
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St Albans, UK
my workmate's daughter has 5 or 6 goldfish in a tank, a mix of fancy and comet.
i've got all fishy obsessive with bettas, i know nada about coldwater really, never had goldfish, but now shes realised the tank they're in is WAY too small (about 15-20 gallon) and the mix is all wrong.
they've recently got white spot and are now being treated.
but my workmate's paranoia has got the best of her and now shes thinking of upgrading, doesn't really want to get rid of some (but i think she's going to have to)

so now i'm after some pictures of proper goldfish tanks done well where the fish are healthy to show her.

any help?

A while back I was in a similar situation, with a 4 gallon "tank" and 2 goldfish. This wasn't really big enough so I upgraded to a 45 gallon, got a few more fish and went from there. Here is the result -




Once we'd moved them into the 45gallon we had no health worries at all with the fish.

I hope this is the sort of thing you were looking for!
It does look lovely, but I prefer to leave plenty of substrate unplanted for goldfish because their natural behaviour is to sift through the substrate constantly for scraps of food.
I have a 55 gallon with one fancy comet, two shubunkins, and two ACF's. And enough filtration for 70 gallons atleast. These are some older pictures. The tank isn't so bare anymore. I need to update the pictures. But you can atleast get the idea.



Sorry the picture's not that great! My goldfish are always moving about so they come out very blurred! Still, this gives you a rough idea of what my tank looks like...

The amazon swords on the left should hopefully get much bigger and fill the space better. I recently treated the tank with Octozin and it's scorched my java fern and vallis, which I'm really annoyed about! I must have dropped the tablets in too close to the plants. Grrr!
first off, lovely pictures, everyone.

I would suggest that your co-worker gets all of the whitespot cleared with the goldies beforehand, and then upgrade. No need to put the fish through medication AND cycling, if she planned to cycle with them in there. Also, introducing sickness to a new tank is like asking for trouble. I would suggest your co-worker gets a larger tank for the common goldfish, as they grow bigger, and depending on how many fancies she has, leave them in the 15. Until then, suggest that she does hefty water changes.
I just had to say nice tanks guys! It gave me a few ideas to spiff up my tank. I'm a goldfish lover myself! I think goldfish are as beautiful as the tropicals!!
Along that line jackdemp528 I had to ask, what are you feeding your goldies? They are really beautiful and full of loud color!!! I have 2 growing shubunkins and they can't seem to find a permament color. One day they seem more gold and loose a few of their black dots. Then other days their black dots are really black. I don't know if thats normal or not. They are small and young.... But I was curious about what you fed to get that great color? I'm feeding a flake and sinking crumbles mix.
A good way tog et great colour is to feed them a diet based on spirulina which is a type of algae.
I can't imagine what a goldfish would do with all that space. I've simply got three two inch comets in a fourty gallon and all they do is sit under the rock cave. :X Ah well, I guess that could just be the fact that they're just feeder comets.

By the way JackDemp528, your tank is amazing!
They might be two inches now, but if you gave them enough space they'd grow very fast indeed. They can get to be a foot long, so providing them with a large space when they are small just allows them to grow quicker.

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