Wanted Pair Or Trio Of Apistogramma Cacatuoides (Cockatoo Cichlid)


Fish Crazy
Jul 17, 2011
Reaction score
Livestock Wanted: Pair or Trio (1M 2F) Apistogramma cacatuoides (Cockatoo Cichlid)

I am based in Croydon, happy to collect if reasonable distance or pay for postage.
Maidenhead Aquatics in Osterley had females and males last time I was there, I'm going to have a look in a bit
i brought some catalouides last month, heres the guys contact details postage was 11.00 for about 12 fish and very nicely done, he has lots of dwarf cichlids, ottos etc, very knowledgeable breeder.


99p for a pair plus postage 6 hours to go, have a look at what else he has his postage covers about 5 bags of fish. di
i have 5 young cacatouides fry for sale can not post, live in bristol
not sure if you are still looking, but aquatic design centre on portland street had triple reds (males and females) in today. some nice sized ones too. in fact, for a change, they actually had a decent selection of apistos!!

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