Want To Try Shrimp One Last Time...


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi all!

I've tried shrimp (ghost shrimp) a few times in the past with little success in nano tanks.

Now however, I've got a 106L 22'C high flow tank set up, with a lovely patch of java&christmas moss established...

The current inhabitants are white cloud mountain minnows and various small catfish (bristlnose, bulldog, pitbull)

So the question is, would I now stand more of a chance with some form of shrimp in this tank?

I quite fancy cherry shrimp, but would the current inhabitants just munch them?

Depending on the species of catfish (cory's are pretty safe with cherry shrimp) I would be more suspicious of white clouds eating the tempting shrimp. Also I understand white clouds require cool water where as cherry shrimp do better in warmer water.

Again depending on the catfish maybe a bigger species of shrimp that handles cooler temps would be a better option. Sadly I can't advice what shrimp as I have pretty much can only get native shrimp and a couple of imported shrimp in Australia.
You can keep all neocaridina heteropoda at room temp and they will breed. Most shrimp prefer cool water anyway, which will be good for the minnows as well. The minnows will eat shrimplets but if you have a healthy breeding population, you won't notice the decrease in numbers.
I,ve got pygmy cories in with my shrimp and they are fine they dont bother with them at all, they reckon that the only true shrimp friendly fish are ottos but I would add pygmy cories to that.
If i could find them in a shop i would buy them in a heart beat!

I've never seen them for sale in a shop...

Plus they are good at the cooler tropical end too...
If i could find them in a shop i would buy them in a heart beat!

I've never seen them for sale in a shop...

Plus they are good at the cooler tropical end too...

Have you not got a MA near you as they always seem to have them, around here anyway, have you tried asking your lfs to get some in you never know it could work.
If i could find them in a shop i would buy them in a heart beat!

I've never seen them for sale in a shop...

Plus they are good at the cooler tropical end too...

I've ordered shrimp online and had them shipped from a different province. They all arrived alive. You just have to find a good supplier that will ship somewhere close to you. Maybe someone on the forum in your area can suggest a supplier to you?
Thanks :) we don't have a local here anymore (garden centre and petsathome)

we need a maidenhead! but my wallet doesn't ;p

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