Want to start a puffer tank

Here is my current progress. As you can see, I kept most of the old gravel in some pantyhose to help cycle the sand. I'm planning to get the DPs next week. What are the idea water parameters for DPs?

Indeed, I agree with Puffer here :) Malaysian trumpet snails are indeed good for keeping the sand moving, but they're no good for the puffer. They're also the only snail you should not feed to your puffer

I have no clue on water parameters to be honest with you! However, the dwarf puffer seems to do well in wide conditions really :) I have my temperature around 27 in the dwarf puffer tank, my PH is 7 and GH 10. I've read that PH around 7 is good and GH should be around 8, I however advice to not mess around with the water and leave it, they should be alright.

The tank is indeed starting to look good! Can I suggest some hiding places though? You can make them out of slate or different types of rocks. You can also use pots, but I'd stick with the natural look you've got going now :)
I am actually in the process of coming up with designs for hiding places. I have a friend who does granite counter tops, so I have some of the scrap pieces of granite, that I want to make into hiding places. Do you have any suggestions for designs, etc for the hiding places?
Absolutely none :p Can't find any pictures of my (or rather, my boyfriends ;)) designs. I simply pile up a couple of rocks and pieces of slate till i've created about 3 or 4 holes where they can enter ... easy as that! Ofcourse, I want it to be pleasing to the eye as well :) Just go wild with it, and have fun when trying to come up with what you think suits the tank best :)
is the trumpet snail the one with a cone like shell which attains a length of almost an inch? if so... typical cos I have loads in my tank!!!
huh, my trumpets look nothing like that. mine have pretty ridged shells with a lot more white on them--they look like seashells from a store.

all the info i've ever heard indicated that dwarf puffers rarely break the actual shell but mostly kill snails then suck out the bodies. i've got a mix of trumpets and small ramshorns in my tanks and i only really see the ramshorns on the glass. the trumpets stay in the substrate. but :dunno:

what does anyone think about a khulli loach or two? i keep one in a fine gravel with my SAP. he used to never surface until i upgraded and added some holey limestone. i know he kept almost all my plants dug up until i added his rock!

most of my "caves" are small terra cotta pots that i broke bits out of with a screwdriver. i mentioned the holey limestone, but that's not an awesome hiding spot unless your about the diameter of a pencil. curvy driftwood is ok, but only my plecs ever try using it.
Erised said:
Sounds like the one


That's the malaysian trumpet snail :)
they're the fellas although mine have more white as well and lok more like sea shells!

Better? :p It's all the same snail anyway ... if it burries itself in the sand and looks pretty much the same as those pictures ... then it's a malaysian trumpet snail :)
Well, I had some trouble finding Dwarf Puffers, but last night I was able to get a South American Puffer, which was an excellent substitute. I've got some frozen blood worms for him to eat, but it sounds like I need something more crunchy so he can keep his tooth short (I don't want to have to trim it myself :) ) I've heard snails work well, but not trumpet snails? What other foods would work well for this, and where can I get them?
I'm not sure if SAP need 10 or 15G ... either way, when properly looked after it will more than likely be fine :) Do know that you can only keep 1 of them in that tank though. Besides that, it is indeed a very good option, and they're absolutely adorable. I have to warn you though, in my experience they're a lot more delicate than dwarf puffers (unfortunatly I lost all 3 of mine in during an ammonia spike :( Still no clue what caused it).

You do indeed have to keep up with the teeth, and according to most it's nearly impossible to not come to the point where you have to cut them ( be prepared to cut them every 6 months or so). For now though, I'd give him/her 2 snails every day (Indeed, no trumpet snails), and some river shrimp once a week :) That should do the trick I think :p

The snails you can easily breed in any tank of your own. I find it impossible to keep my tanks snail free actually :p Most fish stores should have some snails for you and give them either for free or for a very very very small fee. After that, you can breed them yourselfs :) Or rather, just stick a couple in a tank, feed it some flake or cucumber (not too much ofcourse) and they'll multiply in no time. Shrimp you should also be able to find in your lfs, though I'm not sure if they'll be cheap enough =/ Around here there's very price, but I've heard of places in england (don't ask me where now) where people buy around 15 for a pound.

Also, South Americans like to have some plants and vegetables in their diet :p Try giving them algae tabs as well if you've got them :)

Good luck!
Even with a daily supply of snails, I've never met a SAP that didn't need regular teeth trimming--so be prepared!
Now I am in no way saying this should be a replacement to snails to grind down teeth, but I have seen it written that it can help if you place a lump of lava rock into a tank and then put frozen bloodworms on it so that they fall into the gaps so that as the puffer attacks the worms they will grind their teeth on the rock.

Just a point. I can never get it to work cos the little guys eat the worms before they can get there :lol:



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