Want to make a cave..


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hey guys! Yesterday I purchased three panda cories :wub: and would like to provide a little cave for them. Any suggestions of what I can use to make one that would be aquarium safe?

Slate and aquarium silcone.
You Could Use "Shale" It comes in Blue/Purple Color and Silicone it Together To make a Cave Formation.
A nice touch is a coconut shell, cut in half and a notch/hole cut in the bottom of each piece. Silicone a piece of slate inside the shell to make it sink. Then get some java moss and attach this over the shell. This gives the caves a more natural look.
Hope this is of some help.
BigC said:
A nice touch is a coconut shell, cut in half and a notch/hole cut in the bottom of each piece. Then get some java moss and attach this over the shell. This gives the caves a more natural look.
Hope this is of some help.
That sounds nice.
Plastic drainpipes cut in half then substrate siliconed on to match your tank substrate. My sharky loves it. :rolleyes:
I used the terra cotta pots in two ways:
1. Tipped on their sides with have buried under the substrate.
2. Like this
(covered in substrate using silicone, and the "door was made using pliers to chip out pieces)

I also have a pvc pipe cave. You can buy a variety of sizes and shapes. You could either have them open on both ends like a tunnel, or cap the end (what I did) with a pvc plug (all found in the plumbing section of a home store (lowe's, Home Depot, etc).
Thanks for all the great ideas guys! Some of you are incredibly creative. :D Are all clay pots or pvc pipes safe for a tank or is there something that would need to be done first to make them safe?
Hi boozybears :)

I keep my cory caves simple. I just use 3 large rocks and put a flat rock or piece of slate across the top of them.

This kind of cave looks natural and has the advantage of being easily taken apart to clean inside of it. Simply lift the lid and lay it on the bottom of the tank while you vacuum the inside, then replace it. :D
I use the plant pots and the little tunnels they have for rodents. I only use the ones that are small so that they wont get lost in there.

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