Want To Get Cories

love cichlids

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2005
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I have two larger marble angelfish in a 45 gallon. So lots of room and it is a little boring. I heard that cories can go with angelfish. I was thinking of getting panda cories but too expensive, looked at the pink and blue gravel and thought the albino cories would stand out more. I know to get at leat 4 but will probably get more than that. How do I feed them and what do I feed them. The tank has been cyled before I bought the angelfish, so quite awhile. Readings on ammonia nitrate and nitrite are all fine. Ph is 8 in all my tanks.

This is the tank they are going in.

corys are basically meat eaters and they love blood worms- frozen or FD. They will eat just about anything they find on the bottom though.

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