Planted Section
Hehe ok I get that part. So what is the 8000k all about on my tube?
And also, if I can only get 30w out of it, is there any point in changing it, since it won't get brighter anyway?
8000k is the Kelvin rating which means the colour it appears to your eyes. 8000K will probably give the tank a quite green appearance.
A 4000K would give the tank a pinkish appearance, 2000K quite a yellow appearance.
K (kelvin) is the colour temperature.
Whether you should change your tubes is up to you really. When the tube is brand new it will be much brighter than when it is 2 years old. It will deteriorate over time and the longer you leave them the more deterioration. Therefore although it will still be consuming 30W of power it will not be outputting the potential light that 30W could give after the bulb has started to be used.
To see what I mean buy a new tube of the same K rating and compare them. If yours is still bright then you can put the one you just bought in the store cupboard ready for when you need it.