Want A New Tank


New Member
Jun 22, 2009
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Okay first thing:

I have 1 betta, in a 5 gallon. heated and filtered. He's happy.

Now.....I wanted to get another tank and move the5 gallon into my room.

What size would be good for a living room area a 15 or 10. I like the idea of a 15 gal. But how costly is that?
If i got a 15 what should i put in it. Any advice or certain groups of fish that you've tried and worked really well?
For a 10, please advise me as like the above question.

What things would be good acceserories for a bigger tank like a 15 gallon. I know a heater and filter, gravel, plants...but anything else..

live plants or fake or both?

I'll post more when i can think..i'm to excited.
are you limited to only a little 10 or 15 gall tank?

If you make that tank a 30, at least, you have so many more options.

max 15 as my parents in no way would let me be responsible for 30 gallons...and too much work for me..I want resposibility just not that much. haha
5 litres of a 20L tank is 25%, but 5L of a 100L tank is only 5%. Water changes are part of maintenance too.
how much does a standard 10 gallon go for?

how much does a standard 15 gallon go for?

Like I said my parents wouldn't get me a 30 gallon. Plus a senior in highschool really doesn't need it as I'll be moving out in a year or so. A 10-15 gallon is actually movable and wil prolly fit in a dorm.
how much does a standard 10 gallon go for?

how much does a standard 15 gallon go for?

Like I said my parents wouldn't get me a 30 gallon. Plus a senior in highschool really doesn't need it as I'll be moving out in a year or so. A 10-15 gallon is actually movable and wil prolly fit in a dorm.

Most dorms have a no pet rule.
If your tight on money, you could build your own. There are plenty of links in the DIY section on how to build your own. All you need is glass, silicone sealer, and some clamps.
Go with a 20 or bigger if you can. 20gal would be good you can have fun with it. Smaller less you can keep.

Look on eBay for some good deals. Or craigslist depending on where you live. Try and get a nice used tank and you will save 100s.
Wow, not to be mean or anything because you guys only mean to help, but he/she has already said that they can only get a 15 gal max. He/she has just asked a simple question that we seem to be dancing about at the minute. All they want is an answer, not to be told to get a 30 gal. They have said already that they can't.
Sorry to winge but it just stood out at me that no one was actually helping.

In answer to the original question newfishowner123, in the UK 15 gals (just the tank) usually go for about £40 near me. Now if you're going to buy a set that has a filter and heater included and other stuff then it's going to be more expensive. My Brother's 10 gal set that came with heater and filter and 'lotions and potions' cost him £85. Like I said that is only in the UK, I really wouldn't know about the US. Although I have heard that Wallmart do a fish section and you could see if they had tanks there?
Hope that's some help.

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