Wanna See My Giant Balas?

Lord of Atlantis

New Member
Jan 4, 2006
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Ya know its funny, that the most discussed fish in my freshwater tank is my Bala shark "Bruiser". I bought him about 8 years ago for like $3.00. Forget the $300 in Discus or cool German and Bolivian Rams or the Rainbow fish etc etc... Everyone loves to watch "Bruiser" cruise the tank. Everyone says that he's the largest Bala they have ever seen.

Here is a pic of "Bruiser" he's currently 13" or roughly 34cm from nose to tail fin:

Here is a pic of Bruiser and Buster, Buster is only about 9" right now and about 5 years old:

Nothing like a big ole Bala cruising around a big tank. He even swims with an attitude like hes a great white, its funny. :lol:

Anyone else have any Giant Balas?

EDIT: Here is another pic, this is edited to show the size differences 3"-9"-13" Sharks Shoaling:
wow he is a big beasty!!!

what size tank do you have them in? must be enormous!
Matty: Bruiser is just a little over 13".

Dan: They love to shoal, I had 4 Tinfoil Barbs that got pretty big in my old tank and they shoaled with the Balas. I sold the barbs with the tank to a friend. Most of my friends fish are usually fish that I have grown. Its nice to visit them and see how they've grown.

Catxx: I've had them in several tanks over the years, right now they are in my 125g/470l with my Discus, Rams, Rainbows, 2 sm Pacus and an Army of Dojo Loaches.

I have a ton of pics, I just need to get them online.
they are lovely fish, I had one ages ago called Houdini (because anytime you had to take the hood off he was away) but he dies at about 8" of causes unknown, we were away on holiday for a week and came back to find him dead with all the other fish fine.....never found out why.

Hi. WOW, I guess that's the proof right there that Bala sharks get big! I hope all those people that want to put a Bala in a small tank see this post.
You see it all the time in peoples signatyures with a 20g tank with platies, guppies and a silver/bala shark....either that or an irridescent shark (pangasius catfish).

Mostly its because the shop has lied to them or at least misinformed them, I rescued my pangasius from a tank in my old work who bought it for their 96ltr tank at 2", the shop told them it would grow no bigger than 6".

Ive had her for about a year now in my 300ltr ansd she is about 8" now but she is getting moved to a 450ltr next month on her own (pretty much)till I decide what to do with her but they CAN grow huge but Ive never seen one bigger than 12-14" and that was about 4 year old......people get very touchy about fish like that which is why I never mention her much on the forum since I didnt actually go out and buy her myself.
as mentioned before though, it takes a while for balas to grow to that length. My balas are only 1.5 years old now and are already at 4 inches, so im going to need an upgrade soon!
Great pics, I've always loved Bala's and they're a couple of beauties. :D
Balas grow very quickly to around 8" (mine has got to 7 from 1.5 in around 18 months) but from there are likely to slow down.

Balas have a high oxygen demand and so that could be a reason for the mysterious demise of Big Mick's.
Isn't Bruiser a SHE?

I know..the past couple of years I am beginning to think that Bruiser is a she. Either way the name is fitting now. I usually name my Balas with a "B"... Bruiser, Buster, Bobber etc

I have 2 4" Balas that will be staying with me for a while, maybe permanent. I will get some pics of them all in a shoal formation :) That should be a cool pic 4", 9", 13" Sharks. Bruiser and Buster have been my only 2 Balas for a while.

It does take a long time for them to get this big, Buster is 9" right now and he/she is over 5 years old. He would be ok in a 55g tank but nothing smaller at this point. So if you have a 30g and a 4" Bala you got a few years to go.
Can balas be kept with oscars? I am getting a 120 gal tank and i am looking around at the "big fish" that would look pretty in a big tank.

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