Wanna help name my Fish

new fish lover

New Member
Jul 20, 2004
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:kana: Ok my fish are in my signature. The ones that are named are in {}
if the sex is not listed then I am unsure what gender they are.

I would love to have any suggestions. Seems like this should be fun huh.
Can you post pictures and a short personality description of your fish? I am much more inspired to name fish when I can see who I am naming! :)

I will try to obtain some pix. However my digital isn't working just right with my pc right now. You make an excellent point that the name depends heavily on personality and the way the fish looks.
If I owned angels I'd name them after the sexy angel birds in the Spawn comics : Angela and Tiffany are two - do a search for spawn + angels for the other names.
I named my angel fish Buffy and Spike.........lol. I did it to annoy my kids!! :p
My 3 zebra loaches are called

Einstein, Stephen Hawkings and Miss Lintel (after my daughter's teacher) coz they were smart enough to stay in the water after 2 jumped out.

The two idiots who jumped out were posthumously named "Bacon & Eggs" coz they fried under the light. :lol:
My 3 zebra danios are named... KB because that is my girlfriends initials, Shadow because he likes to hid in the rock i have, and Scooter because thats just an awesome name.
I had a lamb called Spike once. I was going to call my plec Spike, but I've just decided that Wolverine is a much better name for him.
My 2 bettas are called Charlie and Lucifer. No idea why I chose Charlie for my plakat, it just popped into my mind when I was watching him. The VT is Lucifer cause he's a little devil. :devil:
My bristlenose (sucker fish) was called Mr BJ (mr blow jo....) is this a kiddies site? I better watch what I say :D

Go for something like BOB or George something nice and simple.
ooh ohh I love naming my fish!
To make it easy I like to name by theme: Betta for greek or roman gods, catfish for famous men with wiskers, danios for characters from the musical Grease! etc.

How about this?

(1) Red Velvet Swordtail-Male
(1) Green Swordtail-Male
characters from Robin Hood or Princess Bride
(1) Silver Lyretail Molly-Female
Something musical, Lyric maybe?
(1) Lace Catfish
a whiskers name
(2) Chinese Algae Eaters
hmm Mulan characters?
(2) Giant Malabar Danios
see abovel
(4) Convicts -2 female, 2 male
infamous inmates of Alcatraz
(2) Convicts {Breeding Pair}
Bonnie & Clyde
(3) Rosy Barbs
???? ya got me there

:D :p :D

"Spiffy" is the greatest name since "Sliced Bread"

I always name my fish really weird and strange things.

I have one guppy that darts around from one end of the tank to the other like a madman, so I named him Pietro (the name of Quicksilver from Marvel Comics).
I also had a sucker fish(pleco I think?) named BJ. Meaning the same as above. ;) My blue batta was rainbow, because he had a colorful tail that looked like a rainbow when he swam. A white betta name Pearl, he was shiny and as precious as a pearl. My bala shark was fins, the only part on him not grey. I also name my other animals funny names. Precious is my first cat, female and the first thing that came to my mind was she was absoluly Precious. O.J. is my male cat, he is orange and white, named after orange julius the drink NOT the football player. Barret is my new puppy, black with a little white on the chest. I was playing final fantasy 7 when I got him. :wub: So you can name your fish colorful names or playful names. :thumbs: Good luck. It is always the hardest part about having animals for me. :fun:

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