
BTW I agree that the workers and conditions at these stores are all variable. For instance I've never kept bettas before but feigned ignorance at several stores just to see what they would say... the woman at a locally run mom and pop store told me that bettas could survive as long as they had a "drop of water" on their gills.... I swear, those were her words :no: . All the bettas had fin rot. No surprise. Meanwhile, Petco had tons of brochures on cycling, water quality, and pamphlets on all the fish they sold. The fish tanks were extremely clean, not crowded, all with gravel and decorations, and the woman who worked there said I shouldn't put a betta in anything smaller than a 1 gallon and advised me on cleaning, filtration, and diet. :thumbs: I was pleasantly surprised.
Way to go Rabbitlady.
You have indeed shown us all how to, Light a candle ,instead of just standing around cursing the darkness.
Balls in our court folks.
well, just got off work checking this forum is so great.. still nothing going wrong with the new fish. they are doing great.
as for the mom that has the oto in her goldie tank does she have the internet tell her to sign in here and ask those who know.
we have goldie tanks full at my store not too full though and pleco's that where aclamented for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours before i released and i watched for destress so's not to kill the little guys ..
i also do not just release and walk away i watch to see how the fish do and check my tanks about 3 times aday for dead fish as to not leave them to get eaten..
first of all i don't know what walmart you where at we don't ban people for given advise as long as there isn't some one complaining about you like the customer. as for the pacu i carry those but i also changed my label to say 20 plus on the size since i saw one myself at a lady's house that was gonna release him into out san gabrial river.. yiks.. those labels are not made by walmart they are sent by the fish tank suppliers..
LOL!! 6 years old?! You really have dug deep for this one!!

Why is it that as soon as someone slates Pets @ Home the topic is usually closed pretty quickly, but yet Walmart (who are a gazzilion times bigger) flaming threads seem to stay open?

I would rather these stores be allowed to stay open so i can buy the fish if i want to but the staff to be trained better. It isn't the staffs fault, it is the company. The staff are doing what they have been trained to do, probably a quick 3 hour run down on 'fish' rather than a lecture on each individual species. Sometimes you get some assistants that do genuinely know 95% of the basics and some even more so, the local P@H i use has a very conciencious (sp??) member of staff that will advise you in anyway he can. Not all of them are bad.

If you are so against them then don't use them.

Simple really?!

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