
i knew that much! but they are somewhat on a different scale over here, although there is a huge asda in derby, i'm sure i had to walk about a mile to find the toilet in that place! i do find it a little worry that a supermarket can sell fish, would they have properley trained staff? or just any typical supermarket personnel looking after the fish :S
haha! thankfully the place i get my fish from have at least 2 good staff. 1 of them even told me the fish i was interested in i shouldn't have after he asked me what other fish i kept, so that was good.
Seeing as this poor catfish was in with Bala Sharks and the lady told me it was a PLECO and that it eats algea and whatever food makes it to the gravel I am going to guess untrained very untrained......
She also told me they sell these beautiful vases with a Peace Lily in them and that you put a betta in there and it lives sooo happily
I got mad at her for that though lol
but no they are untrained and uncaring

More Pics in my first post of the little thing lol
now, now. just because someone doesn't know any better doesn't mean that they don't care.

you have to remember that not everyone has access to the internet or even to a computer (as odd a thought as that may be). with all the myths and legends surrounding fishkeeping, its no real surprise that not everyone realizes that they have the facts wrong.
I think it might be the Giant Bumblebee Cat like was mentioned in the other thread, judging by the aquabid pics, but yours is still in too bad a shape/focus to really tell. Whatever it is, good luck keeping it. From the sound of it, you should probably feed it a good variety of meaty foods.
from the top it looks like a banjo. from the side, it looks like a raphael.

TBH, its looks nothing like a banjo catfish from the top? As banjo's have long slender tails and a large flat head

It did look like a doradid from the top, although from the side it obviously isnt one.

possibly one of these:

- Giant Bumblebee Catfish
- Other catfish in the same family

hope this helps
I have no idea what this thing could be what I think I will do is either offer it small feeder fish
or take it to a reputable store to have it ID'd that should work right?

Thank you for your help I will post as soon as I know what type of catfish this is.

Definatly NOT a Bumblebee though
I have no idea what this thing could be what I think I will do is either offer it small feeder fish
or take it to a reputable store to have it ID'd that should work right?

Thank you for your help I will post as soon as I know what type of catfish this is.

Definatly NOT a Bumblebee though

since it's in really poor shape, i'd skip out on feeder fish. too much risk of more illness.

ghost shrimp might be an option; i'd try frozen bloodworm first though since of the three, that offers the least risk of additional disease.
Yea I've had stripped, spotted and marbled raphael's and it's neither of those. Did you ever figure out what it is? Kinda making me want to go to my Walmart and look around :lol:

Good pickup though.. would love to see more pics.

Maybe post it up over at planetcatfish and see if they know.
Did it have a sucker mouth? If not, I believe that that may be one of the myriad Synodontis cats. They change in color from juvenile to adult. Check for a prominent dorsal spineI remember obtaining a very small black Synodontis albertus the size of my pinky nail, all black, and looking almost exactly like your fish. In three months he was three inches long with beautiful cream and chocolate marbling. In my ever-so-humble opinion, they're some of the most beautiful catfish available.

First, turn off the lights more. They like darkness. Second, offer wood and rock caves. PVC piping works well, too. The important thing is COVER. They really don't like coming out during the day at all. Last, if you're having trouble convincing him to eat, try delivering a clump of *healthy pink* tubiflex worms down to the bottom near a hidey-hole using a turkey baster or forceps or other long implement. You can also try mashing a clump of wet flake food into a ball and dropping it at his doorstep. Try unseasoned meat from the dinner table, as well. They can be picky, but they love a good meal, and a little novelty here and there will often excite their appetites.

Be on guard for fungal infections. Lacking scales, they are very succeptible to a wide range of diseases. Coarse, smooth gravel is preferable as well.
Looks like a bumblebee catfish that's been badly abused by an aggressive fish. Flattish head, wide mouth, predatory critter, don't keep it with neons... Otherwise, frozen bloodworms should be great, along with a few sinking pellets occaisonally. No algae wafers, veggies aren't part of their diet.
OKAY I couldnt just leave him there, Hes really beat up fins torn ect, He was in a tank with Bala Sharks and some little algae eaters.

Hes BLACK with some mottled brown with long feelers on his nose the feelers are white tipped
I dont want to take his pic at this time as I dont want to stress him.

How do I mend his torn up fins?? And any Ideas on type?

The first pic he looks like my banjo cat. But the other pics he does not. Soon as you can try and post some more pics.

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