I went to Wal-Mart twice yesterday. Cycling my tank was really putting my daughters beloved goldfish in danger. So I went to get some feeders (which I will later take to LFS... prolly won't get anything, but Nemo is def worth a buck's worth of fish, lol) Anyways, the first time, I went and I had to wait FOREVER for someone to help me. I chased a few people away, & sent them to discount pet. Not as good as the LFS, but better that Wal-Mart! I would have gone there... but I'm lazy & needed diapers too.
Bad Dotti.
Anyways, I finally tracked someone down, and I asked him if he was aware that all but one of the goldfish tanks had ich. He said he was treating them. I was plesently surprised! Then I asked what there were doing about the ancor (sp?) worm. He said they didn't have that, and I pointed out all the fish in a tank with red sores and worms OBVIOUSLY sticking out of them! He's like Oh! gee, wonder what I do for that? :smacks self in head: I had been there plenty of time to prepare, and plucked the appropiate bottle off the shelf, and handed it to him.
I went back that night (decided a few more would make the process go faster... and one was looking like it was going to bite it. I pulled him outta the filter intake!!! But he was ALIVE! - Tough fish!) Anways, all the fish with the worms... gone.
I helped a 12 yr old pick out some food
New fishy.
Then I really got on the poor Wal-Mart girls case when I saw a koi EATING two black moor goldfish! One was dead, and the other wasn't quite there yet.
But it was 11:30pm, and I gave them my 43 cents. Not sure if that makes me a bad person or not.
Oh well...
As far as Wal-Mart fish living... I have bought 5 fish from them (not including these guys) 1 is still living nearly 9 mos later, so that it pretty cool. The others probally died from a combonation of being Wal-fish & my beginners neg. So, no,
I do not like that place. I do visit the vist asile nearly every time I go there (which is a lot) and hassle the employees/managers, and redirect people whan I can. So that makes me feel a little better.... A little.
As for fish things, sometimes I buy things there.... but I would NEVER go there during reg. business hours for only fish stuff!