walmart female bettas


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
hey folks, in the 3 walmarts that suround the area where i live i think there is only on that sells females, i asked the fish caretakers at walmart that didn't have any and they said that they get them in they put them all in one tank and for some reason they only last about 24 hours then they all die. the walmart where i got my st female kept them seperately in cups and they seemed happy and healthey that way. do u think the ones all in one tank are killing each other or could it be something in the water. i was also told they were kept in the goldfish section. could this be why? when i told her that they should keep them in cups she just shruged and pointed to the male betta cup on the shelf and said they ahd no more cups. then down the iles they had stacked up like 50 male betta cups, perhaps they shouldn't buy them in bulk like that. then she perseeded to tell me that they didn't feed them or clean the cups with new water because the meth blue in there would make them not want to eat hence no pooing either.... :sly: this walmart has got to have like the worst fish ever :/
walmarts fish wise make me upset!! :(

wait...shouldnt they be ordering more cups instead of that the fish will actually be healthy? and then people will buy the fish..o and hey! buy the cups too! wow never woulda thought!

thats sad about all the females!! :(
My local Walmart stopped selling fish, thank god.
I would always go in there and check on the fish, they would all have fin rot, ich, and other problems. I'd tell the pet dept person to treat them, and even what to treat them with and they said they couldn't. It cost more to treat them than they would make on the fish. I almost felt like taking the treatment off the shelf and treating them myself. Luckly my Walmart wised up and decided to stop selling fish, now I hope the rest follow.
babsrocks said:
I almost felt like taking the treatment off the shelf and treating them myself.
I do ;)
The cabinet where they keep the medications they're supposed to be using is right by the tanks, so I just reach in there and put the right medications in the tanks that need them :lol:
There's a security camera on that aisle too, and I haven't been banned from the store yet, so I guess no one minds. I seriously want to ask the manager if I could work just as a fish and small pet supplies attendant. If you ever actually wanted to purchase something out of the fish tanks at my local Walmart, you'd have to wait at least 15 minutes for someone to come help you, so they definitely need someone to work on that aisle.

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