Waist Water From Ro Unit


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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Hi guys, I have a question for peopel who have their own RO units.
I was just wondering what you do with the waist water that the unit produces?

Same here, stright down the drain, except in summer where I use it for watering the garden
The stuff's great for watering the garden, laiden with the nutrients that the membrane ejected. This said, I don't have my own RO unit, I use work's RO water, and their waste goes strait to the drain :nod:
At the moment it goes into the waste pipe.

When I get around to it I will use it as the source of a constant water change system for my FW rack.

Questioning Andywg is usualy a bad idea, but......

Are you shure that's a good idea, since the water from the waste will be even harder, contain more phoshpate, nitrate, DO's e.t.c than the already poor London water supply? Just a thought...

Please don't shoot me now :unsure: :blush:

All the best
Questioning Andywg is usualy a bad idea, but......

Are you shure that's a good idea, since the water from the waste will be even harder, contain more phoshpate, nitrate, DO's e.t.c than the already poor London water supply? Just a thought...

Please don't shoot me now :unsure: :blush:

All the best
It will contain marginally more, but nothing to worry about.

For one I care not for nitrates, phosphates are also unimportant unless you care about plants (I don't). Dissolved organics are useful in a tank as they bind to any heavy metal that are in the water.

My lfs has been doing the same for a long time with no issues. Let's not forget that the water will already have been through two of the 3 stages of filtration (but merely failed to pass the membrane). Finally, I'm not on a London supply.
Questioning Andywg is usualy a bad idea, but......

Are you shure that's a good idea, since the water from the waste will be even harder, contain more phoshpate, nitrate, DO's e.t.c than the already poor London water supply? Just a thought...

Please don't shoot me now :unsure: :blush:

All the best
It will contain marginally more, but nothing to worry about.

For one I care not for nitrates, phosphates are also unimportant unless you care about plants (I don't). Dissolved organics are useful in a tank as they bind to any heavy metal that are in the water.

My lfs has been doing the same for a long time with no issues. Let's not forget that the water will already have been through two of the 3 stages of filtration (but merely failed to pass the membrane). Finally, I'm not on a London supply.

Fair enough. I thought you were on a London supply, but it would appear you have re-located to somewhere quieter (and colder I suppose?) recently, going by your profile....
I always thought someone should put a tank somewhere to store the waste and then feed a washing maching, dishwasher, toilet or whatever.

Probably a daft idea...makes sense in my head though :rolleyes:
Mine is just going down the drain at the moment. I do use it to water the plants around the house and outside though.
Fair enough. I thought you were on a London supply, but it would appear you have re-located to somewhere quieter (and colder I suppose?) recently, going by your profile....
Nope. Saafend is on a different supply to London.

The profile was for fun, especially as some members seem to be upset we don't have perfectly accurate info on there to enable any ID thief to start snooping.

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