If I can't find a phD I'm not sure what I'll do...especially as it might be too late for me to switch to the MSc course. Think I'd probably just take time out and carry on looking for a phD elsewhere like you.
Do you know what I did find funny... apparently as an MSc student you'd have had to be 'supervised' in the labs? But a phD student that begin their phD at the same time you began your 4th year (so in theory is likely to be from the same class and therefore same age)... is allowed in the labs un supervised. I warned my friends on the MSc that they'd better be nice to me. lol.
And I will be sure to hold my own against David McMahon (don't think I've come across him yet)... sure he'll be fine lol. Have you ever had Tom Reader (stats first year) screaming at you? It was quite funny actually... it wasn't aimed at me, but he proper lost it with the whole lecture group... he'd been stood at the front silently waiting to start (no one knew he was wating to start cause it was 5 mins before it should've been starting). And he went bright red, yelling about how ignorant we were... I think everyone was a little shocked after that, didn't help foster a love of statistics in anyone either. lol.