Wabi Kusa

It wasn't my idea Cazzie, Amano did one a few years ago, i'm sure Wabi Kusa is an actual product, its a clay like ball. People seem to have taken the word on a a style.

mmmmmmm Wasabi, <3 Sushi.
Looks stunning Ian! I'd do one if I had the space :)

I've seen these done in TGM, they have a section on their website if you havn't seen it.
I like it, never heard of wasabi kuza before lol but looks good, googling as we speak.

LMAO :rofl: wabi kusa not wasabi kusa! There be no hot sauce in this scape :lol: :lol: :lol:

Was intended as a joke lol as the name made me think of sushi lol.

Hehe :lol: I was chuckling about that for about half an hour!

Well glad it made people giggle lol, I might have a go my missus has loads of vases laying around and we have a river near us. :) Wasabi Kusa here I come.
well, the moss isn't looking half as good since planting. The plants are doing great though!

and i found this on my Wabi this morning


and heres a couple of the plants

the Lud is doing great now

Looking good dude, do you have another plant there names oliver lol?

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