🐡 FOTM VOTE NOW - October 2023 Fish of the Month contest (any fish)

Vote Now for October 2023 Fish of the Month

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Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

:fish: :fish:
We have 11 awesome fish entered into October 2023 Fish of the Month Contest. View all the entries and descriptions below and then go to the top of page - click on your choice for FOTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.
You are not allowed to update your entry picture once voting has started.

Please note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

The winner is awarded a neat banner in his profile area and will be featured in a Winner Thread for all to see and to comment. The winner also will be added to our FOTM Wall of Fame .

Poll will close on October 29th at 2:46 PM ET (US).

Good luck to our entrants in the Fish of the Month contest. We at fishforums.net thank you for your participation.
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This is one of my glass catfish. I just got this fish about 2-3 weeks ago. I have 3, and plan on getting more in the future. They are in a 60 gallon aquarium with juvenile angelfish, roseline sharks, pearl gouramis, and a pair of guppies. They eat mostly small sinking pellet, but I just ordered some live foods for them to try. If you look at the right time, you can see food being digested in their stomachs.
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This is my alien betta which I rescued from the terrible small container it was in at Petco. I've had him for about 2 months now. He lives with many red cherry shrimp and a very large bladder snail. He's very active all the time and has jumped out of the tank and onto the floor twice in excitement when I opened the lid to feed him. I've been keeping the water level a bit lower and he hasn't jumped out yet since then.
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Here's my entry: A white malboro swordtail male. He's got a blue shine when the light hits his body. He and some siblings are kept together with blond ginga rubra guppies.
But he's the best looking male in there.
whites are a result of regular malboro swordtails that showed more white in each generation. I've selected the most white ones and linebred them until they had all white offspring. That took me about 5 further generations where the majority of offspring was completely white. Sometimes a normal malboro swordtail occurs but those will be put separately from the whites to ensure a true white strain. But again, a blue shine is to be seen when the light hits the body.

It's also that we have to wait until they're at least juveniles to state them as being white. For some will develop some color on both sides of the body when they're juveniles. Also those will be separated from the total whites. I don't mind the blue shine, btw.
I don't keep that many breeding forms of the swordtail any more. Most are wild swordtail species. But hey, you just do need to keep some room for some attractive breeding forms. I've also got a koi swordtail strain called "ochiba shigure". That's a grey bodied strain with blotches of green/brown on the body. Just like a real ochiba shigure koi.
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This handsome little guy is my honey gourami. His name is Tony Gunk. If you get that reference, we can be friends. He lives in a 29 gallon tank with neon tetras, amano shrimp, and pygmy corys. He's the biggest fish in the tank. But since he's a honey gourami, he's very mild mannered.
I think he's about two years old. I got him last summer and his dark stripe grew in since then. He swims all over the tank but he likes mostly to hang out in the back left corner. That's where the picture is. Sometimes he builds bubble nests in the feeder rings I put back there to give him access to the surface for air and so that light gets to the plants.
He gets New Life Spectrum Flakes and Fluval Bug Bites. Also, live mosquito larvae and grindal worms. But I think baby brine shrimp are his favorite. He also enjoys sometimes joining the pygmy corys and eating their food with them.
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Sir Reginald.jpg

This is Sir Reginald, an 8" long royal whiptail (Sturisomatichys aureus). He was named by @TheLavenderBadger, since I find that if I name a fish, it immediately dies.

I got him in May of 2022, when he was just a baby. Since then, he has survived a major ich infection that killed off all of his buddies, many many water changes, a few minor maintenance disasters, and an unknown number of stressed dental patients staring at him.

He lives in a 150 gallon tank which I set up in a dental office in summer of 2021. The tank is aquascaped to resemble a flooded forest in northern South America. Tank mates include five adult scalare angelfish, large schools of rosy tetras and lemon tetras, and an unknown number of snails. He has recently acquired four conspecifics. True to his aristocratic lineage, he completely ignores all of them.

But his eyes...you can tell from his eyes that he's up to something. Or perhaps he's just a philosopher.
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Note from Fishmanic (the contest Czar):
Ellie11 has decided to drop out of this contest. Her entry pic and description have been deleted.

Please choose one of the other entrants for FOTM in the poll at the top of this thread. Be sure to click the cast button to register your vote.
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This is Buba
He is an Channa ara, aka Sri Lankan Giant Snakehead (Endemic sp. To Sri lanka & A close relative of C.marulius)
He got big orange-gold colour eyes and a circular mark on the cadual with fin light blue dots
Funny name ? 😅
The first part of his name comes from his habit of blowing bubbles as a result of gulping air from the surface(it's normal to their sp.)
He is about 4-5months old and only about 5" in length
For now he is in a 100 gallon tank with 2 jaguar cichlids, 2 blue acaras, 1 indian mottled eel , 1 angelfish
He loves to eat anything moves or looks like food 😂😂
But I normally feed him a special home made food just for him
It consists of fish heart, krill, arowana pellets 🙃
Sometimes I give him normal fish chunks or shrimp
As for a snakehead he has this wired breathing habit, no matter how aerated the water is once in a few minutes he goes up to the surface and gulp some air after few seconds he blows some bubbles back 😂
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Common name. Golden. Darker. First imported to the UK in 1990 this is an aggressive. goodeid They should be kept in a large tank with plenty of hiding places. they do well at 68 to 70 F. water changes 50% weekly. hey will eat any type of food offered, also like some live food in their diet.
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Tiger 7.jpeg

Here is my African Tiger Fish , I'm almost sure its a Vittatus type which is what he was bought as but a few people have said its a Forksheli

Anyway I got him on the 19th October 2022 just checked my list and how bizarre is that!! 1 year anniversary.

I had always wanted one and found it difficult to source but sods law Ive seen loads for sale since.

He was about 4" when i got him and skinny and now hes a chunky 12" and will get much larger.

He is in my 72x30x24 tank that has a 48x20x20 sump and gets on very well in the tank, doesnt sit still, doesnt attack anything but does sometimes bare the brunt of a beating from the arowana from time to time as they both compete for the same food. He feeds primarily on frozen silversides but does also take prawn and mussel from time to time. He takes the fish in and within seconds his razor sharp teeth go super fast and destroy the food

He is my favourite fish I think, doesnt stay still, quickest thing I have ever seen when he flaps his tail and shoots for food and I hope he lives a long life with me

He has a new home coming on Monday 106"x36x28 with a 72x24x24 sump
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This is one of my Boesemani Rainbowfish. He doesn't have a name but he is one of my favourites as he is very showy with his colours. He lives in a heavily planted 240l with a group of Boesemanis and a big group of Cherry Barbs. There are a pair of Kribensis to keep order around the place and a some Amano shrimp and pink Ramshorn snails who keep on top of the gardening.

They're fed live foods and a variety of flakes and pellets every day, mainly spirulina based. During the summer they feasted on the plentiful mosquito larvae available, now that winter is around the corner they're enjoying grindal worms I culture at home and baby brine shrimp on occasion.

The tank gets nice big water changes every week 50-80%.
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