Vote Now! - Fish of the Month Contest (livebearers)

Vote Now - February 2022 Fish of the Month

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Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
Fish of the Month
We have 10 awesome livebearers entered into February 2022 Fish of the Month Contest. View all the entries and descriptions below and then go to the top of page - click on your choice for FOTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. Preferably no posts should be made in this voting topic. This is a public poll so source of votes are viewable. You are allowed to change your vote if you wish.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken.

The winner is awarded a neat banner in his profile area and will be featured in a Winner Thread for all to see and to comment. The winner also will be added to our FOTM Wall of Fame .

Poll will close on February 27th at 4:10 PM US ET .

Good luck to our entrants in the Fish of the Month contest. We at thank you for your participation.
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Here is my fancy guppy. :)
I just got him and one other guppy from the pet store about 3 months ago. I don't know how old he.
He was one of the first fish added to my 20g high but then I recently moved him and his 2 other guppy friends to my new 10g setup.
Name? I don't name my fish😂
I feed them flakes every day and sometimes brine shrimp.
There's really nothing else to say :)
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Here is my female white calico redtail platy.
Name: Tula (After Moana’s grandmother from the Disney movie Moana)
Age: I’m not sure how old she is, but based on the fact that she is smaller than my red wag who I’ve had for almost a year, I’m assuming she’s less than a year.
Tank size and equipment : 30g bowfront tank, whisper 50 HOB filter, 75-100w heater, unsure on brand, air stone inside a barrel decoration.
Tank mates: 1 fancy goldfish, two (soon to be three) other female platies, one nerite snail.
Food: They alternate between Tropical Flakes, Bug Bites, and baby brine shrimp, with a fast day on Saturdays.
Care: I try do a 30-50% water change every week, with gravel vacuuming. I also clean the filter in old tank water once a month.
Backstory: I wanted more fish that would go with my goldfish who had sadly lost all of his goldfish friends due to my inexperience when I first started fish keeping. I did some research and discovered that platies would work in my water hardness and go well with goldfish. I started with two, then lost one because of what I suspect was parasites while Tula and a bumblebee named Jazz were in quarantine. The day after I got them in quarantine, they had fry. I spent a good 4 hours trying to collect all of the tiny babies from my 10g tall quarantine tank while keeping them away from the moms so they wouldn’t eat them. I am happy to say that I currently have 26 of their 3 month old fry that are almost ready for homes. I have a blue speckled platy that is currently in quarantine, and will be joining her, Jazz, my red wag Merida, and my goldfish Pez in the 30g as soon as I can figure out her pickiness when it comes to food :lol:

I really love Tula’s colors and patterns, especially her blue eyes! I hope you do too! :fish:
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Female platie
Age - not sure only had a week
Tank - fluval sea evo (52ltr)
Tank mates - 5 other female platies
Name - Minnie (the kids named her and can guess why)
Feeding - vitalise tropical pellets
Personality - She can be a bit pushy but she is the biggest fish in the tank. Have only just started this tank up after years of not having fish and the platies are first fish in.
Plants - not sure on the names

Name: Red
Age: 2,5 years old
Tank size and equipment : 15 gallon long
Food: They eat frozen daphnia, frozen discus food, frozen bbs, frozen cyclops and some pellets
Care: I do a 30-50% water change every week, with gravel vacuuming. I also clean the filter in old tank water once every 2 months.
Backstory: I've had red since his day 1. Red's guppy friends and family died due to my inexperience, unfortunately... he's now the only guppy in the tank.... I hope I'll be able to get him some friends soon!! I love his colors, personality, how energetic and friendly he is! The photos are TERRIBLE, he won't stay still for a moment!
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Baby shark tail platie
Age, 6 weeks ish
4x white guppy
1x rainbow guppy
6x rummy noise tetra
4x tux guppies
1x blue phantom
1x albino plec
3x German ram's
3x mollys
3x sword tails
2x pearl gramies
6x dwarf gramies
1x Red tail shark
4x leapard Corys
3x striped corys
Tank size,
Unique traits,
What he she can get flakes
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Name: Rainbow
Age: around 3 years
Tank Mates: 2 Neon Tetras, 4 Guppies
Tank Size: 57 liters
Unique Traits: His scales will change color over the course of the day
Food: Flakes and sometimes some bloodworms
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The goodeid family from Mexico there are about 42 species the one in pic is a male Girardinichthys viviparus.
they are a difficult fish to keep, G.viviparus are very fussy when it comes to water quality and temperature
they do best between a temperature of 66F -70 F if kept match above 73F these fish can suffer and eventually die.
not too fussy about food a good quality flake food/spirulina and some live food in the diet.
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This is one of the happy little guppies in my 75g community, his name is Big Boy.
He is the biggest guppy in the whole tank, bigger than the biggest females. He was one of the smaller fish in the tank when i got him, and he was getting nipped at so i chose him

species: Poecilia Reticulata( maybe mixed with some other type of guppy)

age: at least a year old
tank mates: a lot of guppy friends, Pearl gouramis, Cories, Swordtails, one bamboo shrimp, a lot of little snails( nerite, bladder, ramshorn, MTS)
tank size: 75g
unique traits: he is a really happy fish, always zooming around the tank and begging for food like a goldfish!
feedings: Hikari micro pellet, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, omega one shrimp, algae wafers, flake food, crushed duckweed, blanched veggies
strains: he seems to be a mutt with a half-black Pink tuxedo, Half black dumbo dragon mosaic gene.

*note: the lighting is wonky because i dragged the light to the front of the tank for photos
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Here's my entry.
This is a male Vienna emerald DS guppy. The green should be present in the caudal penducle of a Vienna emerald. He's got the dot on both sides of the head. This kind of marking located like this, is called a Hawkeye and bird's eye. It looks like an eye. And he's got metallic colors.
He's in a tank with more specimens like him. Also this particular tank is unheated.
Both swords should have the same length. And an elongated dorsal. Which is in order with this particular male.
I do have to say that if you breed Vienna emeralds on a grey base color, not all males will look a 100% identical. But colors and patterns on a grey base color makes better intensive second colors than on a blonde (golden) base color.
This male has got red, purple, blue, green, orange, mauve and magenta.

Diet: Various.
I don't name my all of my fish. For there are too many of them.
I breed several kinds of guppy strains. I also create my own guppy lines. It's always a time investment and knowledge of the genetics is preferable. I do breed delta guppies but the majority will be short , sword, round, spade and lyre tailed guppies.
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entry is upper fish in photo
This is my male Molly who is the third generation of some that I have breed myself. He has no name currently and he is in a 46 gallon tank with a variety of tetras. I estimate that he is a year old, and he is being feed flakes twice a day.
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End of Entries:
Please slowly scroll up as your review the 10 entries, then select your choice and click the "cast" button in the poll at the top of this thread.

Our Tank of the Month will resume at the end of this month and for March, we will feature tanks sized at 16 US gallons and smaller. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you will enter the contest.

61 votes have been cast so far. There are just 3 days left for voting. We hope all members will vote in this contest to help decide a winner.

Our Tank of the Month will resume at the end of this month and for March, we will feature tanks sized at 16 US gallons and smaller. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you will enter the contest.

And in mid March, we will start up our Pet of the Month contest. For March, we will have a POTM contest for "Pet Pals". We are seeking members who have 2 pets (no fish) that interact with each other and spend lots of time together. You can enter 2 of the same type of pets or two dissimilar pets.... as long as they interact with each other and spend time together, you can enter them. We will be allowing videos for this contest. So get your "Pet Pals" pics or videos ready to enter the mid March POTM contest.
Last chance to "cast your vote." Winner to be announced Sunday at 4:10 PM ET (US).

Tank of the Month is now accepting entries. If you have a tank sized at 16 US gallons or smaller, we hope you will enter the contest. Click link below to view entry thread.

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