🐡 FOTM VOTE NOW - August Fish of the Month contest (Bettas)

Vote now for August FOTM contest

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
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:fish: :fish:

We have 7 awesome Bettas entered into August 2024 Fish of the Month Contest. View all the entries and descriptions below and then go to the top of page - click on your choice for FOTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.
You are not allowed to update your entry picture once voting has started.

Please note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

The winner is awarded a neat banner in his profile area and will be featured in a Winner Thread for all to see and to comment. The winner also will be added to our FOTM Wall of Fame .

Poll will close on August 30th at 4:20 PM ET (US).

Good luck to our entrants in the Fish of the Month contest. We at fishforums.net thank you for your participation.
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Meet our Male Betta. His name is Deadpool.
We believe he is a Half Moon Tail Betta however not 100% sure.
He lives in a 40 litre tank with a couple of corys and some red cherry shrimp. He’s very friendly, he even turned to face the camera when I took his pic (as seen above) 🥰 he’s fine with the corys as well and shown no signs of aggression with any of his tank mates, which is quite contradictory of the name he was given 😅
We feed him on a few flakes and one or two bug bites every other day.

He would love your vote! 😁
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Entry picture

Validation picture (he realized I didn't have food so he wasn't gonna cooperate lol)

Earl is a copper betta, sometimes he shows blue bodied sometimes pink-purple bodied depending on angle.

He loves nothing more than his Northfin betta pellets, but only fresh. If they go soggy in the water, he spits them out for his ramshorn snail friends. He has a 10 gallon tank to himself and some ramshorns, as it is my designated betta tank.
He spends a lot of time making giant bubble nests that span half across his tank surface, only to dismantle them the next day.
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This is my male Betta. His name is Venice. He was named by a friend of mine who though he needed a fiery and elegant name. I got him as a baby and he is still growing so I am unsure what tail variety he is. I have had him for just over a month and he was a pale pinkish grey when I got him. Venice lives in a planted 5 gallon with a nerite snail and many pond snails. His favorite activity is dinner lol. He usually gets a few pellets every day but a few days a week he gets frozen blood worms. He also likes to watch the tank next to his (no aggression, just watches 😁). He has grown so much since I had gotten him and he's turned into such a handsome boy!
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This is my koi plakat betta. His name is Dandy Chiggins. He lives with a few small ramshorn snails in a 10 gallon tank. He's very active and inquisitive. He mostly eats live foods like mosquito larvae and grindal worms. Sometimes frozen blood worms. Occasionally flakes or pellets for balance. But his absolute favorite is live wingless fruit flies. He's vicious with them. He almost leaps out of the water when he feeds on them.
When I approach his tank, he usually swims up to greet me. (I know it's because he thinks I'm going to feed him). He's colored up nicely since I've gotten him, and he makes bubble nests. I hope that means he's happy.
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This is Zazu, my alien betta. He is not the best model and I am not the best photographer, but he is a gorgeous combination of iridescent blue, purple and red. I've had him about 10 months now, he lives very happily by himself in his 6gal fiefdom. I tried to introduce a couple of shrimp once but he made his feelings very clear that he viewed them as lunch so they were swiftly removed!

Zazu lives on a mixture of betta pellets and live/frozen foods. Live worms are his absolute favourite and he loves hunting them down. He also thinks my fingers are food and is partial to hunting those too if I need to do anything in his tank.

He also loves making bubble nests on an almost daily basis and makes me feel very guilty whenever I do a water change and disturb them.
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This is Squiggy . He’s a Petmart rescue I got March 18th this year . He was really small but has since grown and there’s an interesting story there . He started out in a twenty high all by himself but April 1st he got a juvenile Angelfish as a tank mate and things were fine while the Angelfish was small but when the Angel grew and took over Squiggy went to live with a pair of Aphyosemion australe killifish in this ten gallon . The male killie beat Squiggy up bad and shredded his fins . When his long flowing fins were clipped he was able to swim much faster and I think the exercise gave him a growth spurt . He was solid blue with a black head but when his fins grew back they came back clear which you can see in the picture . The Killifish climbed the stairway to heaven after Squiggy worried them to death and now he’s the High Cockalorum of the ten gallon . I have a female I want to breed him to but she was much bigger . Emphasis on “was” . He closed the gap and it’s almost time for him to beget little Squiggy’s of his own . People on this forum have always said that a lone male Betta should have a ten gallon of his own as a minimum sized aquarium and I disagreed but I’ve changed my mind . Squiggy loves his ten gallon and it’s perfect to give him all the room he needs without being so small that it cramps him and not so big that he gets lost in it and has trouble finding his food like in the twenty high he started out in .
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Ted the betta 2.jpg

This is Ted my (half Moon?) Betta, to be honest i am not sure its male or female maybe someone can tell me ?, had Ted for one week now so he's just settling in, lives in a 60L with 7 female endlers, enjoys exploring the tank and i have tried to add different areas to explore to stop boredom, for food I've got special betta pellets and also some dried blood worm but i would like to add some live food for a treat. The tank is planted with a mixture of amazon sword , Anubis, and elodea densa, i am going to start doing a little training with Ted when feeding by moving my finger along the tank then dropping in some food.

I wrote fish of the month rather than FOTM hope that's ok, though that photo was great as i captured Ted just as he was making a turn so looks quite cool :)
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