🐠 TOTM VOTE NOW - August 2023 Tank of the Month Contest (31 Gal & Larger)

Vote Now - August 2023 Tank of the Month

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Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA

Please Vote Now
We have 7 awesome tanks entered in Fishforums' August 2023 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 31 US gallons and larger. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to poll at the top of this thread, click on your choice for TOTM, and then click the "Cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. You are not allowed to update your entry picture or video once voting has started.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on. Winner will also be added to our TOTM WALL OF FAME

You are allowed to change your vote if you wish.
This poll will end on August 15th at 4PM (ET) US.
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Here's my 40g breeder set up for a little over a year.
I started this aquarium after watching The King of DIY's video on multis. They seemed like fascinating fish, so I decided to try them. I have similis in this tank, but they are practically the same.
This tank has gone through many stages. First it just had the shells and the sand, then I added the rocks, and later the plants. I recently added the dwarf sag, and it has taken off.
Anybody following my journal on this tank would know it had a bad outbreak of Cyanobacteria. Glad that's taken care of.
The fish have bred three times in this tank.
The first was a few months ago, and I had roughly 50 fry. I didn't do anything special to ensure their survival, so I only had two make it from that batch.
A few months ago, my male died, but one of the 4-month-old fry seems to be a male, as I now have one fry in the tank.
This past Friday, I added a few more plants and some driftwood. Not crazy about how the tank looks right now.

Here are the specs:
Crypt Wendtii Red
Jungle Val
Dwarf Sag
Christmas Moss
Water wisteria
Red Tiger Lotus

Congo Wood
Rock from the mountains near me
Escargot shells

Neolamprologus Similis
Pea Puffer(temporary)
3 Nerites

Nicrew Aquarium Light
Cheap Amazon Heater
Aquaclear 50 filter

That's just about it.
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Here is my 40g breeder river aquarium. It's been running well now for a few months now and I have added fish not to long ago!
This tank replaced my 20g tall tank which had 3 peacock gudgeons that got upgraded to this tank.
There have been some difficulties with this tank like a few algae issues, a "surprise fish", and a few other things. But this tank has turned out great for me so far and I hope y'all like it as well!

Malaysian Driftwood
Grey river rocks
Quikrete Play Sand

-Fluval Aquaclear 50
-Fluval Aquaclear 30
-Fluval 150w Heater
-Hygger Sunrise/Sunset programmable LED light

Aquatic Plants:
-Amazon Sword
-Ludwigia Repens/ovalis
-Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red and Green
-Tiger lotus

Terrestrial/House Plants:
-Golden Pothos

-Corydoras Sterbai x14
-Peacock Gudgeon (Tateurndina Ocellicauda) x6
-Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus oblongus) x1 (came with plants as a surprise)  
-Bladder and Ramshorn Snails (of course)

More fish will be added in the future
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300 Gallon air tank with discus fish
Ive been working on this tank since beginning of the year. Just like the avatar floating island tank I had. Nearly took another 6 months or so to put this one together slowly slowly. I'm glad it's finally done.

Size :300 gallon acrylic tank

Hardscape: 200 pound of white sand, 100 pound of black lava rock. About 7 piece 30 inch ghost wood

Equipment: 2 sets of uv sterilizer. One in tank one in the sup. Additional Sunsun canister filter. A wave maker. One 500w heating unit. One set of RGB atomsphere spot light. And a lot of other cob nature light dawn light and spotlight
All connected to wifi based timer and controllable on the phone ;)

Plants: anubias bateri. Anubias nana. Anubias nana petite. This is not suppose to be a jungle theme so I didn't plan to add other plants. But will consider to stick more anubias or buce plant onto the drift wood. All remaining area shall stay as crystal clear as possible.

Fish stock: 3 blue sapphire/diamond discus. 2 yellow marlboro discus. 1 snow white discus. 1 orange Marlboro discus.
Will add on 4 Fuji red discus and 2 more golden panda discus in the next 30 days or so.

Hope you enjoy.
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I started keeping tropical fish about 30 years ago, but my enjoyment of the hobby really took a leap forward when I changed my aquarium to a Juwel Vision 180 about 8 years ago. It has a curved front panel and is 36 in wide x 18 in deep x 21 in high. It is 180 litre which is 40 gallons.The internal filter is so easy to keep clean. Probably half of the fish I now have were transferred from my old tank, and with a couple of exceptions most are more than 5 years old. I lost a common plec last year which was 28 years old.

Current stock of fish are 5 Albino Corys, 2 Boesemani Rainbow Fish, 2 Bolivian Ram Ciclids, 1 Common Bristlenosed Plec, 2 Calico Bristlenosed Plec, 1 Common Plec, 2 Cardinal Tetra, 4 Clown Loaches, 4 Congo Tetra's, 1 Yoyo Loach, 2 Golden Gouramis and 2 Golden Dwarf Ciclids. I appreciate that some will consider this overstocked, but I do weekly water changes and I never lose fish apart from through old age, and they are never ill.

I use tap water rather than RO water, and test the water regularly as the tap water does vary quite a lot. Nitrates in the tap water are often as high as 40 ppm but can be as low as 20 ppm - still far too high. Last test taken was Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 20/40 ppm, PH 7.6, GH 16 and KH 6. Because the common plec that died last year got to about 18 in in length I could not have real plants in my tank, ans still don't. I am very fond of Seachem products, and use Prime to dechlorinate the water. I also dose the tank at each change with Stability and Pristine. I only use the pump that came with the filter to aerate the aquarium, making sure it points upwards so as to ripple the water to provide oxygen.

Water changes of about 30% are undertaken weekly.

Lighting goes on at 11:30 am ane off at 21:45 pm

I believe that most people overfeed their fish, which can then make problems for them with raised ammonia leading to raised nitrates, due to the waste from the fish and rotting food. I only feed them 3 times a week on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday giving them a variety of flakes, granules and wafers for the bottom feeders. Occasionally I treat them with frozen bloodworm or dried bugs food.

Finally I am not so good at taking photos with my camera, so some of the fish are slightly out of focus due to them swimming around quite quickly.
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This is my 75 gallon Tetra community. I'm still a newbie and 2 yrs ago the only tank I had was a 20 gallon with 4 Black skirt Tetras. One day ( long story short) the glass got broken on the 20 and the Tetras had to go into a 5 gallon bucket with heater and air stone. That same night we went on FB Market and found a 75 gallon for $75 and I got it the next day. Being newbie I feared losing the fish so I used the filter from the 20 and the tank came with a heater 300w so I bought some prime some soil and sand and hoped for the best as I put the fish in the next day without testing water (had nothing to test with) except ph and ppm [email protected] and ppm@ 180. Two years later those 4 Tetras still reside in this tank along with many other friends! I also now have 4 tanks cause well; it's an addiction!! I keep this tank @ around 76-78°f with a pH of 7.8-8.0 / ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 30ish +- ppm 170.
3 Blue Gouramis
2 Bolivian Ram
1 Bristlenose pleco
6 Serpae Tetras
5 Black Skirt Tetras
3 White Skirt Tetras
6 Bueno Aires Tetras
10 Glowlight Tetras
5 Columbian Tetras
Several Male/Female/Fry Guppies
2 Siamese Algae Eaters
2 Nerite snails
1 Neon Tiger Barb (Don't ask)

Amazon sword
Anubias nana
Ludwigia repens red
Ludwigia palustris Green
Rotala indica

2" of MG Nature's care organic and natural potting mix
1.5" of Black diamond blasting sand

Dragon stone
Natural driftwood from lake
Sand waterfall
Background is Red poster board

4 different size air pumps
2 Tetra whisper iq 60 hob filters rated for 60 gallons each/stock filters w/o carbon pellets and filed with dawn pot scrubbers.
Foam sock around both filter pickup tubes
Marineland 300w heater
Marineland glass lids
Fluvial 3.0 planted 36-48" LED light

Climbing Hydrangea
Golden Pothos
China Doll

Seachem Prime

Seachem Flourish

Tetra color enhancing flakes as staple diet
Emerald entree frozen cubes 2 times a week for treats
Cucumber/Zucchini/Spinach for a healthy intestinal tract. They all love their veggies 🤤. Thank you for the opportunity to post and thank you for taking a look 🙂
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75 Gallon Cichlid Community Tank

I’ve had this tank for about 3 years it being my first and so far only large tank. Current stock is

1 Synodontis Catfish (He’s 10 years old and my favorite!)
1 Red Spotted Severum
1 Electric Blue Acara
6 Polar Blue Parrot Convicts
2 Boesemani Rainbowfish (Will add more currently at my LFS they are quarantined so can’t get any at the moment)

Set up for the tank for now is not planted, but hopefully in the future I can transform it into a nice planted tank that my cichlids won’t destroy.
Tank is by Seapora
110 Aquaclear filter
2 submersible heaters
2 air pumps.
Fluval LED lighting
Large (fake) driftwood with multiple rock caves and large (fake) plants.
Gravel substrate

I use Prime for water conditioner and feed them Omega cichlid pellets, Veggie Flakes, and for my Syno I have his favorite Shrimp mixed wafers.

I’ve been through a lot with this tank and also learned a lot and I think it has truely expanded my love for fish keeping as my very first beta fish was when I was 6 that my parents helped me with 14 years ago.
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This was a project I started almost 6 months ago. This 150 gallon tank was sitting in vacant closed private zoo. It was given to me by the new owners of the property. It was disgusting, covered in years of dirt and grime. They housed reptiles in it at the zoo. I cleaned it, scarped it, resealed it and got it into my house. I built the base for it using fence pickets. I used all artifical plants as my light is not strong enough for live plants. This will be a cold water tank, no heater. There are water rooting plants on the top. Lucky Bamboo and Ivy.

Female guppies (30)
Platys (3)
Fancy Goldfish (1)

Pea Gravel-washed and washed again- bought at home depot


In tank Power filter
hang on Power filter
Sponge filter

Strip Light with grow light

Once a week water testing
(haven't had to do water changes yet after 3 weeks) Otherwise weekly to monthly water changes.
Feed flakes and frozen shrimp daily to EOD
I do this so they eat any fry that are born. We all know how guppies breed. I try to weed out the males but darn it, one always seems to get the deed done before I notice him LOL.
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