Vivo World


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2006
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County Durham, North-East, UK
I was surfing around Pets At Home website and I came across this...

VIVO World

I think its a really good idea for little ones but alot of people will be put of with the price of £79.99, when a bowl could cost £10 max.

What do you think?

Emma x

P.S: Sorry if this has been mentioned before
I hate themed tanks and that looks too small for any goldie.
They're pretty stupid really. Apart from the cost, the silly 'hamster tubes' are hardly good for the fish to swim through, especially if you were keeping round bodied fancies or long tailed varieties, and they themselves say you can only keep fish up to a certain size in there before they must be rehomed, which while it may seem a good thing, a) are many people going to care? and b ) where does one rehome one too?
i work for P@H. we sold literally 3 tanksover the period we had them in our store.
no longer stocking them as a company cos the sales were horrendous. its a nice idea but theres f*&£ all room in them! glad theyve been sent back to the supplier.
i work for P@H. we sold literally 3 tanksover the period we had them in our store.
no longer stocking them as a company cos the sales were horrendous. its a nice idea but theres f*&£ all room in them! glad theyve been sent back to the supplier.

Wondered why i hadnt seem them in my Pets At Home for a while. Good move on behalf of PAH all be it for the wrong reasons.
that website says "the tank is suitable to house 2-3 goldfish and will allow them to grow to 10cms" hmm what if they want to grow bigger.

i would hate to think how much "fun" my 6.5 inch goldy would have in that tank

how do your gravel vac it if there is so many obstacles.

possible the worst tank i have ever seen.

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