Vive O Portugal!

SLC Flyfishing

Fish Crazy
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
S.L.C. Utah, U.S.A.
Wow, the match just ended and all I can say is that Ricardo is my all time hero!

Sorry to the English fans! It was a well fought game. Perhaps if Rooney could have avoided the red card it would have been different!

Maybe in 2010!

Maybe you all could get behind the Portuguese for the semis where they'll likely face Brazil!

I want to badly hurt Christano Ronaldo... he really wants to watch is back next year in the Premiership... stupid jumped up little tw*t.

I REALLY hate him with a passion.

England much deserved to win that... stupid piece of sh*t
I'm really sorry, but I do not share your 'happyness'
And the 'Perhaps if Rooney could have avoided the red card it would have been different!'... with the ref the way he was, there is no way he could have avoided that. To be honest, I still do not see what he did wrong. Did Rooney carry a yellow into this game? I couldn't find any info on whether or not he did. If not, the red is most definatly uncalled for.

If anyone, in the last 2 games, should have gotten a red ... it would have been Figo. Headbutting, even when the game is stopped already, if just bloody ridiculous. My opinion, the only reason why Portugal won, or even got this far into the world cup at all, is because they're very very good at playing as nasty as one can.

Reading back, that sounds very negative! Im sorry, I hope you can understand that after the Holland - Portugal game, I really want to see Portugal leave. I'm just a fair bit bitter about it all (and yes, I do agree that Holland did have their bad fauling moments in that game as well!)
^^^ What she said.

In all fairness, Portugal played really well, but Rooney did absolutely nothing to get that red card, and even when England was a man down for 45+ minutes, Protugal still didnt put one away and didnt even look like they were any closer to getting one in than they did for the start of the match.

Congrats for the victory and everything, but it had more to do with blind luck and bad refereeing than skill or talent IMO.

Theres so excuse for such an abismal performance in penalties though... for that alone, perhaps Portugal do indeed deserve their place... however, Ronaldo stopped twice on his penalty run-up, and hesitation on a penalty isnt allowed.
To be honest, I still do not see what he did wrong.
Rooney stamped on the player which was on the ground, in his nether regions, and then started pushing players. I think he was sent of for the stamp, rightly so, and he should be ashamed of his actions towards a fellow professional.
How long will it be before someone burns a effigy of him because he cost england the world cup, just like they did when beckham got sent off against argentina!!

In all fairness, Portugal played really well, but Rooney did absolutely nothing to get that red card, and even when England was a man down for 45+ minutes, Portugal still didnt put one away and didnt even look like they were any closer to getting one in than they did for the start of the match.

Congrats for the victory and everything, but it had more to do with blind luck and bad refereeing than skill or talent IMO.

Theres so excuse for such an abismal performance in penalties though... for that alone, perhaps Portugal do indeed deserve their place... however, Ronaldo stopped twice on his penalty run-up, and hesitation on a penalty isnt allowed.
Rooney stamped on a players genetalia (how bad must that have felt), and deserved his red card.

Its never nice to see a match decided on penalties, but if you practise them in every training session, as england did, and can't step up on match day, there is clearly something wrong with the players mentality and the way they approach it.
I'm pretty sure Rooney was sent off for the push, which was a ludicrous decision if true.

However I don't think it lost the game for us, we actually played better after he went off; Crouch played the lone striker much better. The main fault lies with Sven, all of us could see his folly when he named the squad. Not enough strikers. And hopeless negative tactics. Glad to see the back of him, I wish we could have had the satisfaction of seeing him sacked today. If we'd started this game with Lennon on the wing and Rooney with Defoe up front.....

So, neither the Portugese antics nor the ref were the reason for us losing. But that doesn't excuse the Portugal players' antics, I'd be ashamed of that behaviour if it was my team. I hope they get soundly beaten in the semi, it would be a shame for football if they went any further. Ronaldo doesn't know what's about to hit him next season in the Premiership - he won't survive here, he needs to find himself a transfer abroad if his life's to be worth living.

But I'm smiling today at least - Hoddle's resigned!!! :D
Wendy-ball is non-contact now, you will see more competitive physical contact at a Women's Institute meeting. Surely the players realise by now that ANY reflex against another player is likely to be carded...

I think the refs aren't card happy enough. They need ot book every single player that swears at them or runs into their face. Wendy-ball has a real problem with the players "mobbing" the refs. If every player got booked, you'd have one or two silly games with few players, but the message would soon be out.

Ah well, here's to the press and the chavs talking us up in Euro 2008 ;)

(or, more importantly, us losing our current World Cup in abysmal style to the All Blacks in France next November...)
I'm still really bloody angry with Ronaldo... stupid jumped-up little turd..
I thought I may have calmed down by now!!

Hopefully France knock the complete crap out of the diving, play-acting, stupid, cheating Portugease (no offence to you SLC Flyfishing, only the players that represent you).

It was the way the Ronaldo didn't give a crap about knocking out the country he plays in. Firstly, he'll have to cope with Man Utd training because obviously Rooney is mad at him and also, I noticed that G.Neville was really giving him some. After he's sorted out the Man Utd situation he's then gonna face so much crap throughout the country... I do seriously think he'll need to transfer abroad. Rightly so as well.

I'm so ANGRY!
Wendy-ball is non-contact now, you will see more competitive physical contact at a Women's Institute meeting. Surely the players realise by now that ANY reflex against another player is likely to be carded...



Only another 4years of the press reminding us of 66... :X
lol that's so true!!

My husband is American and when he first came over here he pointed out to me that there are two things you either hear or see on the television every night - One is the Second World War and the other is the '66 World Cup, and he's right - watch TV tomorrow and see how many times you can see a WWII or a '66 reference in an evening.
Yes the war is another thing that is constantly on :S

No disrespect to the great and brave people that fought and died in the war to provide a future for the next generation but i think it's time we moved on from all that and put the war behind us.
England were crap throughout the whole competition. Beckham is the most over rated player in Europe, He should have been dropped long ago as Lennon proved he was much better on two occasions.

The English have the world cup won before they even kick a ball, I was watching match of the day a while ago and they mapped out England's route to the final and who they will be playing in the final!

Rooney stamped on another player and got sent off, correct decision if you ask me. England had the easiest group by far and were very lucky to get as far as they did as Portugal were the first decent team they met. So you should be happy that you got to the quarters.

The English team haven't got the balls for the big matches, especially peno's! Eriksson is a fraud, he got payed millions for doing very little and at times his mistakes were breath taking. He didn't bring the team forward he brought them backwards since he took charge.

Whoa... that's gonna provoke a reaction Sf05!

I don't see why, His/Her comment is a very sensible, mature comment. But your probably one of those people who keep bringing that and the WC '66 up at every chance you get.
Congratulations to Portugal, I'm not sure you deserve to be there, I am however sure we don't deserve to be there :/

Rooney was sent off for the "push" hence the bad feeling towards Ronaldo, as he was chirping trying to get Rooney in trouble and he managed it. Rooney was trying to stay on his feet whilst being fouled by 2 players, I don't think it was a stamp, he was just adjusting his stance to try (foolishly in this day and age) to stay upright, he should have just gone over like he'd been shot at Ronaldo did on many occasions. I wouldn;'t defend any player for stamping if I thought they meant it especially an ex Everton player whos now at ManUre, but I really don't think it was a stamp :no:

Don't any of you tell me for one minute that you don't look to see who you would likely be playing in the next rounds of any sporting competition, be it football, egg chasing, cricket, tiddlywinks or curling whether you are English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, German, Aussie etc and wether it's national competition or club competition. The only reason you all see it with England is because you are watching English based TV or reading English based papers, though I seem to remember a TON of coverage of USA94 when England weren't there but the Republic was ;) easy to forget when it doesn't happen often. The media coverage in France, Brazil, Germany, Spain and Portugal is likely to have been dominated by how well they are going to do and who they will play in the next rounds.


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