Vitaminc C Dosing

Just reporting a change of a lot and i mean a LOT of diatoms on my glass... Only my glass... Elsewhere has not changed. I read that if this happens you should cut back a bit on the dosing, so i'll be going down to about 1/6 tsp twice a day and see if that helps.
sry to hear about ur diatoms outbrake hope it aint to bad, im going to start this within the next 2 weeks just need to boost my ph as its only 8.0 i would like it up to 8.3 so if the ph does drop hopefully i can catch it before it drops below 8 as thats dangerous right? good luck with this and will be following ur progress :good:
2 Weeks in:

Diatoms have subsided since I backed the dose, I'm slowly starting to go back up to a 1/4tsp dose again.

Latest water results:
pH: 8.3
kH: 6 (it's always been this low)
SG: 1.026
Nitrates: 0 <-- :D :D :D
Phosphates: 0
Calcium: 440ppm

I'm happy with those results :fun:
Though I guess I should add with the nitrates that there WAS an accidental water change of about 3G. Let's just say a certain sump flooded 3G onto the floor.

No noticeable change in hair algae growth yet. Corals all seem very very happy.
Levels continue to be good, no change in hair algae growth however. I'm increasing the dosage up to 10ppm, which is about 1/3tsp.
Phosphates and nitrates still staying at 0.

My increase in dosage seems to have raised my KH to 8, which I'm perfectly OK with in all honesty. No other changes yet.
I thought I would update here as I just finished my first bottle of Vit. C. My 29G was dosed for about 6 months with only very positive results. My 29G is no longer (being upgraded to my 75g), but I have been dosing the 75G for quite some time now. It already has my phosphates at 0, and my nitRATes are beginning to lower (they are at 20 at the moment). Coral health and color could never be better and the only algae problem I have at the moment is diatoms (to be expected in a new tank :().

I posted a before/after picture elsewhere with the effects of my vitamin C, so I thought I would post it here as well. Forewarned, the before picture was quite older so there are much less corals. The camera I used was also different for both photos, so slight differences there as well.

I think the big things to notice are coral color and hair algae presence.



My 75G is being dosed with 3/4tsp twice daily, which equates to about 10ppm of vitamin C. This is one of the best things I've decided to do with my tank/s, and I encourage anyone to try it out.
Your tank looks amazing! I am definitely going to be looking into this. I am from the States as well. Where can I pick up powdered Vitamin C?
PaBucs... I order mine from online from, the company is nutribiotic; it's called Powdered sodium ascorbate and you want the BUFFERED stuff. Otherwise your pH will drop like a rock.
Well I don't have any corals to boost up but I would like it to solidify my alkalinity and over health of my fish/water. I hope to begin coral once my tank matures after the 6 months to 1 year rule. I will definitely looking into it. Thanks for the info!
Going good Seffie! I was doing great with the dosing... but dosing twice a day everyday is a hassle sometimes... missed a few doses lately and so my nutrient levels are showing for it.

Otherwise, corals look great (minus my big devil's hand which never really settled into the new tank... not sure why he's still not happy) especially the zoas :D
Hey Steph,

How about an update?
I have been interested in trying this for a while now and am going to order a bottle from the website you posted earlier.

Did you remove your macro before starting the regiment or no?
Do you still run GFO if you did before you started?

Nick D.
Nothing much new to report.

I ran into a poor moment, with school, and ran out of vitamin C at the same time and haven't been able to re-order it. Tank has gone about two weeks with no dosing, and nitRATes and Phosphates remain undetectable (this is with NO water changes done), so i'm curious now. I plan on re-dosing ASAP.

As per your question Nick,
I never used macro to begin with, although I greatly suggest taking it out as my friend who dosed has his macro literally melt after a couple weeks. That being said, Trevor (AKA Wildechild) on here has been dosing at a very low concentration and has macro which is still intact.

I was running GFO in my 29G prior to starting Vit. C dosing, but soon stopped after a few months of dosing. My 75G, I have never used GFO.
After dosing my 75g for about 6 months everyday, it has now been about 8 months since I have dosed the vitamin C in my 75g. Despite this long period, the effects are still very much there, with constant 0 nitRATes and 0 phosphates and NO hair algae or similar algae with very minimal to no water changes being done... I'm amazed that this is still happening.

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