Vision 180 1st Tank


That's the same tank as mine (but different colour). They are fantastic arent then. I love your layout :)

Thanks & I like yours too!


Will try flourish excel 1st for the algae as I don't sfancy blowing the house up with a DIY presurised co2 system!

That's the same tank as mine (but different colour). They are fantastic arent then. I love your layout :)

Thanks & I like yours too!


Will try flourish excel 1st for the algae as I don't sfancy blowing the house up with a DIY presurised co2 system!

On a 180litre tank it will work out as being expensive in the long run. It will help though. However don't overdose it. Just dose 1ml per 20litres but perhaps twice a day instead of once a day.
CO2 gas would give you better results. It's totally safe, a load of us teens have got pressurised CO2 and we haven't blown up our houses :lol:
Aaron's guide in his sig is the best..
The only bad experience I can remember with a FE is when someone in a factory swung it up onto their shoulder by holding onto the regulator and it shot across the room, embedding itself in the wall :sick: That's just carelessness.
hmmmm... elodia in a tropical tank.. not my cup of tea, but i guess it is ok...

sometimes you will find that it can do more worse than good... I would recommend removing it from the tank and replacing it with something else.

what lighting system did you say that you had?

when the plants died, were the leaves going brown in colour and then breaking off or were they going black?
you dont need co2
some of my tanks standard lighting and dosed with tetrapond plantamin either once a week or if i forget once a fortnight
since been trimmed

this picture taken 01/01 before guppys and platys removed

You have so much choice of fish to get.

Get some rams or a golden nugget plec.
Why dont you get some lava rock and some bog wood im sure it will bring your tanks beaty right up :) Will look real natural mate! Im also just starting FLUVAL OSAKA 260 Tank lol will have to open topic on that to post some pics! keep updating your progres maybe ill steal some of your ideas if you dont mind!

you dont need co2
some of my tanks standard lighting and dosed with tetrapond plantamin either once a week or if i forget once a fortnight
since been trimmed
im guessing the op's rio has the T5 lighting, in that case CO2 would need to be injected as they are running at 1.8WPG and because there T5's it takes it up to 2+ and in those regions CO2 needs to be run so algae is not present.

without proper CO2 and nutrients plants cant make use of the excess nutrients, and algae can, so it takes hold.

a way of combating this is to inject or dose CO2 and dose ferts in the form of NPK and trace nutrients the best all in one in my opinion is TPN+

it contains NPK where as alot of the fertilizers on the market at the moment only contain trace nutrients, because they believe excess nutrients cause algae...and they dont.
Lots of comments thanks.

What is TPN+? is it an accronym?

lighting T5 2 x 35w = 1.75 w/pg
bump. Can someone help ref TPN+?


.....tank looks good pipp

Now dosing with Flourish excel last 2 months, 5 ml per day. Hair algae significantly reduced/almost extinct.

Added 10 Rummy nose tetras.

Added java moss on slate which has been growing for ~1 week.

Added Java Fern.

Set up is now about 10 months old.

All comments/suggestions welcome.


great tank i would add to the neons perhaps to 10 a BN plec or 2 and a centre piece fish such as a ram

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