Viettxboii's Low Tech Nano- Redone -> V2

rip rip rip out some more algae and dead moss and heres what i got a day after the last pic(these pics = last sunday):


and here some are some from last night-


Argh algae on glass D: and identification?
and dying moss.
Adding API leafzone ( i chose it in favour of flourish due to the fact that is has more potassium sulfate)
hopefully plants can catch up against the horde of algae.
If only my betta wasnt such an oppurtunistic feeder, i would add cherry and amano shrimps in an instant
Sorry for lack of updates, redid the tank about a month ago =] new substrate, peat & mulm capped with normal fine gravel.
For now it works, here are some older pics from 2 weeks ago, too lazy to take more pics until some growth occurs.

I clleaned it up a bit, water is alot clearer now.
Weekly 50% w/c's with API leafzone added during w/c's, will get excel soon.
Plants are : Narrow Leaf java fern, java moss, limnophila sessiflora, hygrophila polysperma, rotala rotundfolia, HC.
Starting to get algae on the plants and glass again. =/.
The hygro was planting initially and now it hitting the top of the water, good ot see it growing now, as before with th old substrate it couldn't take root.
I may borrow a 10 gallon canopy and screw in my current 15w bulb along with a 10w coralife bulb. To up the lighting, however this is after i obtain excel.
I may purchase some amano shrimp, see if he'll eat them or not. He'll eat cherries, idroped about one in there and bam there it went.

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