Vietnamese Lizard Hillstream Loaches in at Dans Fish… mine arrived home today

Never seen or heard of those before but look a cool thing
Wow… look at the size difference… 1st picture a lizard Hillstream on top, and one of my medium size spotted Hillstream's on the bottom, on the front glass
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This is a lizard, one of my Vietnamese tigers, and a Panda Garra, all lounging on an Indian Almond leaf…
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I was mildly concerned, about the Flying Foxes, and the Lizards, but the Foxes have taken no interest thus far
So, no major squabbles… I did witness my dominant reticulated throw a hissy fit when he met them ( big size difference... lizards are bigger ), but the lizards were undeterred... yesterday all 3 were in different spots in the aquarium, this morning, I got to witness some lizard contact / dancing, in a bubble waterfall, they were just side by side, a couple inches apart, and intermittently would slide over, and rub up on each other... it didn’t look like a territorial dispute, or full on mating… looked more like a “hey buddy, nice to see you” kind of thing… BTW, the dominant Reticulated was a foot away, on the same side, so it seems to have gotten over it... no aggression with the lizards towards any of the smaller Hillstreams...
I added some more Bacter A E last night, I think it’s beneficial to my biofilm eaters
They do look more like newts ( lizards ), than fish in the tanks… but these guys seem to prefer vertical, rather than horizontal… in fact the picture above, with the 3 on a leaf, is the only time I’ve seen one, not on the glass
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