VIDEO: female betta


New Member
Feb 5, 2004
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I apologize beforehand for the blurriness / poor quality of the pictures. My digital camera won't allow me to change the shutter speed or aperature, and the zoom is ALWAYS blurry.

This is what happens when I throw an algae disk in!

Here I am sitting at my desk with the fish tank in the background

Now for a little before and after.....


My new hex!!!

And its inhabitant...

And now for the video...I hope this will work
The Video
Is that a female betta or a pygmy gourami? Lol, she looks the same as a sparkling gourami. I can't watch your video so I can't tell but from the pic it looks a little different then most females I've seen.
Hey, I got to see your video.

I don't know if it's becuase she has such strong stripes or her size but she just looks like a gourami to me... I'm probably wrong though. And she doesn't have the big betta lips that I'm used to seeing... Here is a sparkling gourami. Does she look anything like this? If I'm wrong sorry...

It's a betta... My LFS is great :)

It depends what kind of light hits her, but she has a dark greeney tinge to her also... I'll try and get another pic.
:kewlpics: hey i just got the same Hex Tank last week :D I'm just wondering how much it cost ya, mine cost me $29.99+ tax canadian. On your video you have your air pump/fiter on just wondering if your female betta likes it at all?. I have a male on mine and I have to turn it off because he is more active if there is no movement or agitation on the water...
Now she looks even more like a pygmy!!! I must be totally stupid but it just doesn't look like a female to me.

The reason is because gourami have that white ring around their eyes and bettas dont. They just have black eyes. In your pictures it looks like she has a white ring around her eye...

I must be insane :S
It also looks like these bettas that I found using Google:



And I might also add that sometimes the stripes are more apparent. In the store she looked more of a plain colour.

And she doesn't mind the bubbles at all... she swims around a lot! But then again she doesn't have the long fins to get in the way like males do. My hex was $29 CAN also, at Wal Mart. I found those big rocks at wal-mart also, a whole big jar for $2.50!! They weren't in the fish section though, they were with potted plants.
amerz said:
It also looks like these bettas that I found using Google:



And I might also add that sometimes the stripes are more apparent. In the store she looked more of a plain colour.

And she doesn't mind the bubbles at all... she swims around a lot! But then again she doesn't have the long fins to get in the way like males do. My hex was $29 CAN also, at Wal Mart. I found those big rocks at wal-mart also, a whole big jar for $2.50!! They weren't in the fish section though, they were with potted plants.
Snowy and i also discovered the container of rocks in the plant section, we bought 2, they're awesome, and you get way more rocks than they give you in the little nets in the fish section.
i've got LOTS of female short-tail plakats that look just like her ;)
awsome video. my computer isnt the greatest but it kind of looked like your betta was being swept in a little current which they dont prefer. but like i said my comp is crap so i might just be the comp. but anyways awsome tanks and video. i really love the hex

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