Very Wounded Betta

Yes, RW, we are waiting to hear from you. They say that it is now considered a fact that positive attitudes are regenerative. Keep looking up to the source of good things, just as Clarence is looking to you. :)

Don't ever let a tough road discourage you. When you need courage, ask the source of faith. :thumbs:
Good news all around; Clarence and the other 7 fishies made it home safe, alive, and well. He lost some more fin in transit, but it was the pieces that were allready hanging. He has been fine all day, and has quite an appetite.
As for myself, good news! No need for surgery at this time ^^ hopefully not ever. They thought my appendix might be crapping out on me, but it turned out to be a very grumpy ovary. And, in other medical news, my ECG/KG (depending on who you ask, lol) looked pretty normal, so I won't have to wear the stupid heart-monitor box soon. Yay =)
Thanks for the concern and support all around. I'll keep you posted on his progress!
Well I'm so glad that you're alright!! And you're great for taking in that poor injured boy. I hope he fully recovers for you. Good luck!!
Darn those ovaries, always causing trouble!! :lol:
Good to hear you and your fish are all doing good :)

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