hi thanks for replies- i did look into the bags the shrimp arrived in, before i opened the bags. didn’t see any in 2 of the bags. after i opened the bags, i checked the folds of the bag opening clamped with a metal ring. i think they could be caught in those cinched folds. also a piece of screen mesh was in each bag. the shipment was delayed they said due the thanksgiving holiday. i don’t know how long they were in transit. even if they died in transit there should be dead bodies or body parts. idk
i’m not pursuing the seller with another report. partly due to my lack of research in shrimp they died or weren’t included. they wanted a picture of a dead animal. i had emailed a pic of the empty floating bag. but that’s not proof of error on their side. learned my lesson- do more research before buying a live creature. feel bad about the missing/ dead shrimper