I've started cycling a backup sponge filter today just in case! the filter it came with was a "just hit it till it starts again" type thing! Bought an air stone to put at the back as well - figured more air can't hurt! Lights are arriving tomorrow, just gone with some ok looking ones from amazon, finding a lid is going to be interesting!
Water tests were actually ok - PH wasn't though but it sounds like dropping the PH suddenly might not be good for him so might try driftwood?
Not planning on a planted tank, will try and grow some of the Elodea already in the tank along the back so he can have something to nibble on and have a few fake plants to put in as well!
I don't know if he's moving around more now because he's happier now or because he's agitated by something?
One last update, until we get him a friend that is! Before and afters! He’s much happier rooting around in the sand am hoping the real plants will start to grow a bit now there’s light so i can hide the brighter ones and he can nibble at the real plants a bit.
Water is looking good but just waiting until the backup filter is more mature until we get him a friend!
Just wanted to thank you guys for your help! It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the fish community and it’s still as wonderful as ever!
Wow! The difference in the tank, and the fish, is amazing! Really glad he landed in the perfect home after all Thank you for updating with the pics, it's always nice to see an update, especially with a happy ending!