[background=rgb(247, 247, 247)]Fish may have reddening at fin bases, blood streaks throughout the fins and body, small hemorrhages around the eyes. Dull listless behavior and lack of appetite may also be present.[/background]
from the pictures you have shown me lsat night and the stuff you have been telling me its seems unlikely that he has this,
he is active from what you have told me coming out , his fins are fine and no blood streaks as such just a little pinky/red under the neck can you get a picture of hus top/eyes area? and lack of apitite is not an issue considering its only been 2 days mine refused to eat for about a week until he and she settled into my tank, give it time, do you have a light on in the tank? if you can get a picture with the light on? without flash his belly doesn't look sunken so he must be eating something,
again i may be wrong but i do hope i am right, for your sake dude keep up with the water changes if you can get a test kit brilliant he may just be adapting to the new environment, ph level may be different, your water naturally may have nitrates in, i think my water has 20ppm in naturally so my fish they are used to it and its fine for my nitrate to be a little higher than normal
keep us posted il be on chat later