Rich T
Fish Fanatic
Ive had two ottos in my tank for almost 3 months and they've never shown any sign of illness until today.
The largest fully grown Oto within the space of an hour went from perfectly fine swimming about happily eating algae from the rocks/plant to being stiff as a board and unable to swim
The oto suddenly became unable to control one side of its body and lay on the gravel bed attempting to swim but not really being able to.
When I came back later to see how the poor chap was doing he was lying face first tail up and had stopped breathing
The only recent change ive made to the tank is adding a large piece of wood with plants growing out of it. The wood had previously been in the lfs display tanks and all the fish in that tank seemed fine
I guess the poor fella died of shock unless anyone else has any other ideas ?
Ive brought forward the water change and swapped out 25% of the water even though conditions were still good
Always a shame to loose a fish, this is the first one ive lost for a long time
The largest fully grown Oto within the space of an hour went from perfectly fine swimming about happily eating algae from the rocks/plant to being stiff as a board and unable to swim
The oto suddenly became unable to control one side of its body and lay on the gravel bed attempting to swim but not really being able to.
When I came back later to see how the poor chap was doing he was lying face first tail up and had stopped breathing
The only recent change ive made to the tank is adding a large piece of wood with plants growing out of it. The wood had previously been in the lfs display tanks and all the fish in that tank seemed fine
I guess the poor fella died of shock unless anyone else has any other ideas ?
Ive brought forward the water change and swapped out 25% of the water even though conditions were still good
Always a shame to loose a fish, this is the first one ive lost for a long time