Very newbie


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
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I have recently bought an aqarium 20gl. And have tested the water which is fine.

I have added 6 neon Tetras as advised to start with. I have had one death in a 24hr period.

My question is that my fish seem to get buffeted quite badly by the water coming out of my pump. i have a Biolife filter system and have turned it down to the minimum. Am i being pariniod??? or will this hurt/stress the fish?

Also how long should i leave it till i add further fish?

I want my fish to be happy :D.

Sorry I am very new and dont want the fish to suffer.

thx for any help
hi there noon

and welcome to the forum :D you've come to the right place to ask fishy questions

first questions - how long have you had the tank set up? and could you let us know what you tested for and what the results were?

:D sue
Hi Sue

Thanks so much for the quick response. people on this forum are dead nice.

Anyway at the moment im watch another tetra on its way out. its the one i thought would be first to go. its been weak from the start. (very sad)

I have tested the water for PH, Amonia, Nitrate and GH and all are fine. the tank was running for about a week before i added fish. Tep is about 74.

Thanks again
hi again noon

sorry to hear about your neon :( - they are a bit sensitive in new tanks (and often recommended by lfs)

there are some excellent articles in the beginner section of the forum about starting up your tank and new tank syndrome (don't know how to do links to things) - if you haven't seen them pop over and have a read :)

I definately would not add any fish to your set up as yet - just wait a while and let your tank get sorted. Be careful not to overfeed and I would do small frequent w/changes using water of the same temperature just to help the fish cope with the new tank

got to go to work now :D - sue
Hi noon you've mentioned ammonia and nitrate but what about nitrite, that is toxic to fish as well. A week isn't really long enough for a tank to go through the cycling process. It might be as well to go to the pinned topic by alien anna about fishless cycling.

I hope all goes well keep us posted

all the best

David :fish:

Oh by the way :hi: :band:

beaten to it by suemack my slow typing :lol: :lol:
Thanks all will do as suggested

Thanks again
hi again,

Im going to leave the tank for a few weeks now beforw i put more fish in . God i wish i had read some forums before i started very very useful.

what are the best fish is to a new tank?

Luckely my remaining neons seem to be doing ok.

:hi: to the forum! I hope all turns out well for you! :thumbs:
:) :thumbs: Welcome to the FOrums noon! 8) :D

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