very nasty mollie!

My poor silver mollie. The black one keeps attacking her, the new white one I got that's half the size keeps bugging her, too, and the male (that's half her size) is also driving her nuts. I can't win. Maybe she's just not meant for this tank. I guess I'll give it a couple days and maybe they'll all get used to each other. :dunno: I give up! :byebye:
I'm sorry but I realy think getting a male was a bad idea.

I'd now personaly take all the mollies apart from the one being bullied back, and try another type of fish, Platties maybe.

I sorry, your fish an't getting on. :(
Well, as a last resort I isolated the bully overnight. :sly: To my surprise, the rest of the 3 mollies are now getting on great! B) I guess they all just needed a little time to get used to each other. I hope it stays that way. I put the black mollie back in this AM and she's STILL acting the same way. I think I am going to have to get rid of her. :dunno: I have read a couple of other threads where people said that was the only solution for them.
u could try and seperatethe bully in a breeding trap for a while and see if she settles
From reading all of your posts on this thread, it seems to me that your tank may be too small, and the offending Mollie is being very territorial, (especially since she is gravid.) Adding more fish is probably the worst thing to have done. Either reduce the number of Mollies, (one of each gender), or get a larger tank, where the offending female won't feel compelled to attack any other fish who come too near to the place she may be wanting to hide in order to bear her young.

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