Sounds like you may have a little problem as I have several U Filters, U2, U3 and U4's in all my tanks and have never had a problem touch wood.Mine are all very quiet.
I have read the above and would like to make a suggestion to isolate the problem.
Have you ensured that the top end of the filter is clipped securely into the top of the clamp? When new these can be a little tough.
If yes then take the filter out completely, minus the bracket, put it in a bucket of dechlorinated water and test it without the bracket attached. Ensure of course you have a bucket deep enough. If it is quite then it's something internal to the tank and how it's fixed.
If it's still noisy, un-clip the motor assembly from underneath so that only the motor is in the bucket. remove the impellor itself by turning it upside down and tapping the back. It's held magnetically so should fall into your hand or you can cheat and remove VERY carefully with a pair of tweezers/small pliers. HAve a look inside the impellor housing to make sure there's no detritus in there and check the impellor again and make sure each blade is identical and has no chips etc out of it. It takes very little for an impellor to cavitate.
If all seems ok, submerge the pump in the bucket facing up and turn the pump on for a few secs to determine whether the noise is still there.
Let us know the result, it may point to the problem. It's as everything eliminating one thing at a time. Let us know how you get on.