Very Disappointed


Fish Herder
Apr 12, 2009
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I treated myself last week to a little splurge on some new livebearers, had a bit of money in paypal, hubby was away with the car so I couldnt go shopping so decided to give online ordering a go.

Ordered a stunning pair of sailfin mollies, a pair of swordtails & 2 male & 2 female guppies.

I ordered Wednesday & rang them, to be told they wouldnt be able to post until Tuesday (alot longer than I expected to wait) but fair enough, I waited.

Delivery came 7am this morning, yay for postie. Looked well packaged, but no heat pack or anything.

One sailfin molly the male DOA the water was freezing cold :( Female alive but not very happy, the others looked ok to my manic mum pre coffee eyes.

I placed them all in a bowl with the bag water & floated it in the tank, gradually adding tank water over the next hour, then released them into the tank & went off on the school run.

Came back & sat down in front of the tank & noticed the female sword has a patch of white fungus, all fish have fin rot & the poor remaining Molly has a patch of fungus across her like a saddle & is laying on the gravel.

I'm so upset :angry: Its put me right off shopping for fish online. I hope I can nurse them back to health, although I think the poor molly may not make it.
Aww, sorry to hear that :( hope they make it

I wouldn't let it put you off ordering fishies online though, everywhere is different :good:
Damn, this is quite bad. Don't let it affect your online buying though. Just dont buy from them before - Or if you do, ring them up before you place the order and make sure this time it will go correct.

Dont let this upset you, think of all the good luck you've had lately with the cheap tank etc. Everyone has a little bit of bad luck. Just keep your head high and do what you can :good:

Oh and by the way your really pritty :wub: Just thought i'd let you know lol, not sure if it will cheap you up though :p
Where did you order them from??

If you prefer not to say thats fine but thought it may stop somebody else using the same company as having the same probs as you.

I hope you manage to nurse them back to good health.

Can anybody recommend good places for buying fish online in the UK? is there 1 or 2 places that are highly regarded as being the best??

I have taken the Molly out, she was looking so bad, here are piccies:



although she looks dead, she is still alive, but not moving :( I love my fishies & this has really upset me.
Take photographs of all the fish as evidence of the state of them, call the company, email them the pictures and you should get a full refund, now I know that doesnt help the fish but you didnt get what you ordered.

In the meantime, QT all the fish and treat with meds, keep the tank lights off too.
p.s thanks youngfisher, you've made my day, i'm old enough to be your mum lol
Poor molly, are you sure that is a sailfin molly? because it doesn't look like one to me, unless its top 'sail' fin is so tight to its body that it cant be seen in the pics.

Poor molly, are you sure that is a sailfin molly? because it doesn't look like one to me, unless its top 'sail' fin is so tight to its body that it cant be seen in the pics.


I think she is, her top fin is quite badly rotted & the little she has left is clamped.
Ah right, I see what you mean now about the top fin rotted, it just didnt seem like a sailfin. I was going to say you could go back to the company stating false advertising if they hadnt sent what you had bought lol

have just pulled one of the bags out to do a test on the water in there, not enough for a proper test, but laid a test strip in it & although NO2 is fine, NO3 is 250 :eek: is this normal for shop water where I guess the tanks are very heavily populated?

I have emailed & am awaiting their reply, I cant phone at the moment as baby is still up & I wouldnt hear a thing, I will see what reply I get & then decide whether to name them. I dont want to name & shame if it is a mistake & something they are willing to put right.

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