Very Big Black Moore In Fluval Edge?


New Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Ok following what I was going to do with my fluval edge I have decided to get the same fish my girl friend has which are Black moores.

I have seen at Pets at Home a large Black moore. I personally think that being a 23 litre tank its gonna be too small but what do you think regarding these fish?

If not I am gonna go with the smaller ones and I wondered if 6 of these is going to be too much?

Thanks and I look forward to your advise.
Hi welcome to the forum! Unfortunately that tank is highly unsuitable for goldfish, its a little over 5 gallons which is a quarter of the size needed to house one goldfish correctly and humanly. The standard recommended size for goldfish is 20 gallons for the first one then 10 gallons for each goldfish added after that.

If you wanted to keep it cold water have a look at white cloud mountain minnows. However if you buy a small heater for the tank you could keep some small tropicals like pygmy gourami or badis fish in there. The edge tanks are very nice looking but IMO highly unsuitable for a lot of fish and with the expense I think there are a lot of other tanks that are better for keeping fish in long term.


Thats really interesting to read.

I thought the edge was actually designed to be a coldwater aqaurium?

I am running a 125litre tropical tank which is all fine with some of the fish you mentioned above.

My girl friend has a couple of these black moores in one of those small biorb tanks. I guess she should be concerned? She was advised by a pet store employee about this.
Yeah afraid so, goldfish have a strong history of being miss sold. We have all heard about bowls being bad but realistically these fish deserve as much respect as you would give to any tropical or marine fish that has the capacity to grow to a foot long in the case of common goldfish or in the black moores case they get to at least 6 inches and its not uncommon for them to get to 8 inches. If kept in small tanks they will get stunted, but they will still grow and eventually outgrow your girlfriends tank. Goldfish also poo ridiculous amounts and incredibly messy fish, if you have nitrite and ammonia test kits for your tropical tank give her tank a test and see what they read at I would be surprised if they were both 0.

Again unfortunately you are right the Fluval Edge is marketed as a coldwater tank but this is due to the fact that people will buy them toss a goldfish in and be done with it. Small tanks are pretty hard to keep stable because of the small space and the small filters the nitrates can build up very quickly.

You said you took advice from a store employee (and this is not an attack against P@H but is quite a common problem in a lot of stores), again this is often unfortunate as there is a good chance you know less about fish than you. For example pets at home sell common plectomous and gibbiceps both commonly called sucker fish but the first gets to well over a foot long and the latter can reach in excess of 2 foot and how many people have a tank to cater for these kind of fish? The best place I have found for help is here on the forums, here you have people who have kept fish for years and years, there are professional aquatics experts as well as amateurs that know just as much :lol:. Its not hard to talk rings around some pet store workers.

Also just going back to your original question, with the one big one or six small ones. Eventually the six small ones will turn into six big ones so just imagine six black moores the size of the one you have seen at P@H

The best advice I want to give you is to get small heater off ebay or from the pet store (you can usually get smaller ones from ebay though) and go for small tropical fish or a male betta (some people dont like to even put bettas in these tanks though but its kind of manageable) but I would go for the smaller tropical fish personally. You could probably create a mini version of your main tank :lol:

Also Im interested in the fish you have in your main tank if you dont mind me asking, if you have taken advice from the same LFS for this tank just a bit curious if you have any issues I can help with

Well she has taken their advise. I actually did alot of research with my tropical tank. Its my first tank and I have had no real problems

My only real mistake was overstocking my tank a little but I am very keen on the hobby and maintain my tank very regulally.

I have 2 Kissing gourami, 2 black angelfish, 2 guppys, 1x orange catfish, 3 Harlequin Rasbora, 3 neon tetra, 3 Scissor Tail Rasbora, 3 Platy, 3 (cant rembember their name)

I have a good strong fluval u3 filter system in the tank and I have had white spot at first and a new batch of fish brought in finrot. I cured both within a few days using my main tank and a hospital tank.

That was several months ago soon after the tank started.

I have had no issues for months.
PLEASE don't put any type of goldfish in a Fluval Edge or any other type of 23L tank. As Wills has already so expertly put, no way are they suitable despite what the Fluval Edge glossy literature may suggest.

I have 6 fancy goldies that live in two big tanks with heavy filtration and 50% weekly water changes and gravel vacs. This is how much they (can) poop if inclined...

Pooping goldfish!

Granted that was an exception but they poop for medals.

I have a Fluval Edge and set it up as a marine nano which is alot of work to look after but makes a nice addition to my collection of tanks. I can definately say there's no way a goldie would be happy in it or that the filtration would cope with their bioload.

I have a black moor that's currently changing colour, but when I got it it was just an inch long. 12 months later and it's 5 inches long and growing fast! :lol:
PLEASE don't put any type of goldfish in a Fluval Edge or any other type of 23L tank. As Wills has already so expertly put, no way are they suitable despite what the Fluval Edge glossy literature may suggest.

I have 6 fancy goldies that live in two big tanks with heavy filtration and 50% weekly water changes and gravel vacs. This is how much they (can) poop if inclined...

Pooping goldfish!

Granted that was an exception but they poop for medals.

I have a Fluval Edge and set it up as a marine nano which is alot of work to look after but makes a nice addition to my collection of tanks. I can definately say there's no way a goldie would be happy in it or that the filtration would cope with their bioload.

I have a black moor that's currently changing colour, but when I got it it was just an inch long. 12 months later and it's 5 inches long and growing fast! :lol:
Thank you for the advise

Do you have a picture of your nano reef set up?
Ok following what I was going to do with my fluval edge I have decided to get the same fish my girl friend has which are Black moores.

I have seen at Pets at Home a large Black moore. I personally think that being a 23 litre tank its gonna be too small but what do you think regarding these fish?

If not I am gonna go with the smaller ones and I wondered if 6 of these is going to be too much?

Thanks and I look forward to your advise.

Please, please don't do it. Pets At Home may say it is fine, as they have a very . . . generous goldfish stocking policy.

These fish can get to over 12 inches long, and very commonly get to between 6 and 10 inches long. They are also excessive waste producers.

Even to grow a goldfish out for a bigger tank, you wouldn't want to put it into anything less than 60 litres. They need lots of growing space as they can actually stunt their own growth if they feel the environment isn't large enough - this will KILL them if it happens for too long and will not do them any favours in the short term.

A single adult black moor needs at least 125 litres and a filter fit for a 200 litre tank, and that's if he stays on the small side.

If you put 6 black moors into a Fluval Edge, you will kill them or cause them to suffer hugely as a result of very little space and hugely inadequate filtration. Even putting one in with the intention of upgrading the tank is putting the animal at huge risk and is deeply unfair. You could probably pull it off for about two months . . . if that.
Ive just recently bought this tank and was wondering how many cloud minnows it could house ?

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