Venturing Into The Whole World Series Three - <magic Stage>


New Member
May 18, 2006
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Hi everybody,

I'm the new commer!! This is the latest layout of my new four foot tank.
Please feel free to comment and hope you can enjoy it!! :blush: Thank you!!





Tank Size: W120cm x D50cm x H60cm
Substrate: ADA Aqua Soil Africana and ADA Bright Sand
Lights: HQI 150w x 2
Filtration: Ehem 2028, Hydro P30 x 2
CO2: 3 bubbles per second

Rasbora heteromorpha
Ountius sp. cf. denisoni
Siamese Algae Eater
Neocardina sp.

Willow Moss
Dwarf Rotala
Echinodorus tenellus
Ludwigia arcuata
Hygrophila polysperma var. "Rosanervig"
Eleocharis parvula
Microsorium pteropus ssp.
Hydrocotyle vulgaris
Bolbitis heudelotii
Dwarf anubias
That's gorgeous Wayne ! :good:

It's not that easy to see, but is that some "dome shaped" light unit above the tank ?
How long has this tank been up and running now ?
What are your water parameters ? (pH, gH & kH ?) - do you use RO water or tap ?
How does your CO2 feed into the water ? (directly into the filter or with a diffuser?)
Are you using the Eheim spray bar ? If so, where is this located ?

Some more photos would be great too - especially some of the Neocardina sp. if you have ;)

Edit: oh and :hi: to TFF !
Some details of your maintanace and fertilizer's would be good, them maybe we could get an idea of how much work it takes to get such a healthy looking aquascape.

Nice job :drool:
Awesome Wayne :good:

How do you go about planning a design like this? And how long does it take for the tank to get to this stage?
Thanks folks!!

Bloo: The "dome shaped" light is the softbox. It's not for the plants. It's only for take the photograph!! This tank has been setup around nine month. PH is between 6.5- 7.0. I never measure the gH & kH value. So, i haven't those figures.

Dubby: Before taking action, i will think what's subject of the layout and how to present the whole view!!
Awesome tank, Wayne. I also would like to see some more specs on this set-up, please. I have a 125Gal planted discus tank that wants very much to look like yours. Award-winning job.

Bloo: The "dome shaped" light is the softbox. It's not for the plants. It's only for take the photograph!! This tank has been setup around nine month. PH is between 6.5- 7.0. I never measure the gH & kH value. So, i haven't those figures.
:lol: That's very interesting Wayne - so you have no idea then what your CO2 levels are ?
:blush: should have thought about it more and guessed that dome shape is for photography !

So when you have some time, more photos please :hey:
Arr man I give up on this planted tank malarky, that tank knocks the socks of anything and everything I could possilby hope for, and the pictures are absolute class.

Welcome to the forum Wayne and thanks for sharing, even if it does make me very very jealous!

EDIT - is it just me or does the second photo down make anyone else feel like they are swimming through a river or something? Its a qualitiy angle and the plants and fish really set it off, like a snap shot of real life.
Arr man I give up on this planted tank malarky, that tank knocks the socks of anything and everything I could possilby hope for, and the pictures are absolute class.

Welcome to the forum Wayne and thanks for sharing, even if it does make me very very jealous!

EDIT - is it just me or does the second photo down make anyone else feel like they are swimming through a river or something? Its a qualitiy angle and the plants and fish really set it off, like a snap shot of real life.

Check out Waynes website! It may be easier just to stick a picture of 1 of their tanks on the front of mine.


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