Ventral Fins Stuck Together


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
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Kettering, Northants
:hyper: I've had this angelfish for about 4 months, and have been meaning to write and ask about this since then. His ventral fins appear to be stuck together? It doesn't seem to cause any problems at all. I've never had angels before so this is new to me. I've got 3 of them. One is black and white, one is a platinum angel and then there is this one, it's like a pearlescent colour. I've attached a couple of pics so you can see. Is it a problem? Also how do you sex angels? Or can't you.

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You can sex angels when they get around 1 or so years of age. They can breed at 1 year. Males have more head colour and grow the cichlid nuchal bump. Although this pair may be at least 2 years old. Good price tag.

As for the fins clamped, perhaps he's stressed from the other 2 angels?
How long is he?
Anal fin is usually never clamped in a healthy angels but the dorsal is often clamped. Particually when swimming. When you feed him does is sort of flare his fins?
No his fins never seem to flare, none of them do. He does move around a lot faster when they're fed, I just put that down to food being put in there. The fins were together like that when I got him, it's not his anal or dorsal's the ventral fins that go down under the pectoral fins. He stays quite close to the other 2 at all times, and has never isolated himself (which the platinum did when it was added). Length his body his 1.5 inches add the caudal fin and it's about 3.5 - 4 inches long (his tail - as my son calls it - is soooo much longer than him) and from top of dorsal to bottom anal fin he's about 4 inches.


So long as he's eating and behaving as normal you shouldnt have anything to worry about. Yeah, sometimes they'll clamp those 2 long fins just for the heck of it. My marble one alway has a clamped dorsal and sometimes clamps her long anal fins.

Mines about 5" including her short tail and roughly 5" high with a good dorsal.
When my internet has stopped fooling around Ill post you a picture. My other largish male is in my signature. They're both around 1 year old.

In the 2nd one the current is bloing against her so, yeah. She also has shorter long anal fins thn my male probably because when I brought them they were nickd. Sort of like Gill from Nemo.
Ventrals that stay like that are a defect, that fish should never have been sold.

If anyone can sex 1 year old angels beyond 80% accuracy I would like to know about it.
My 2 have shown breeding signs but because theres many other fish in the tank and traffic, I think they have stopped it. My silver male has head colour and its juuuust starting to get a bump. Looks sort of like he has 2 bumps but the one closer to his dorsal is bigger. I know he hasnt got Hexamita.

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