Vent About Bad Dog-keeping!


May 29, 2007
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Sorry guys but had to get this off my chest.

We keep our horse at a farm-he'd been there about 4 years when the farmer announced he wasn't going to rent the house (it's owned by High Hall Estate) anymore as it was too expensive, and was moving to the gate house of the estate. He assured us that we would still be able to keep our horses there, but we wouldn't be able to have the stables as the new tenants wanted them (and the field).

So we moved the horses to the old cow's field next to a river (horribly boggy etc but it's the best we could do for the time being) and the access is still past the house, but it's completely seperate in another yard.

Anyway....these new people aren't too nice, giving us filthy looks when we turn up and when we leave, but yesterday I was sooo close to shouting at them you would not believe!!

I parked my car in our barn and as walked along the corn field I saw these lovely peoples two staffys run out of the horses field!! Went to check on the horses and they'd broken part of the electric fence to get away from the dogs and both horses were generally very jumpy and on red alert.

If the people were actually around I would have said something but I told the farmer (he still has the rest of the barns and the fields) about it because nearly a tonne of scared horse can do an awful lot more damage to a dog, and if it (the dog) was hurt or killed the horse would be blamed when at the end of the day the dogs shouldn't be loose with no supervision with strange horses anyway!!!


Rant over..
grrrr from me too- horses getting chased through fences is the last thing you need!
Are you looking to agist them somewhere else eventually? (it sounded from your description of the boggy cow paddock like you don't intend to keep them there permanently).....
Is Roman one of these horses?
Like you say, if the staffies are chasing and trying to nip fetlocks, all it takes is a well placed kick and the dogs are history.....and that's if your horses dont get caught in the fence first- sounds like a horror story waiting to happen, you poor thing, you must be really frustrated!
Thanks Merry,

No we are looking for a new field ASAP as it's only just started to rain here so I can't imagine how bad it will be in the depths of winter!

Yes Roman is one of these horses so you can imagine a Shire sized hoof kicking a dog can't you?!

I'm just so angry as they aren't the best horse keepers (a 10 year old boy leading a 14 hh pony with just a leadrope round it's neck on a main road??) and the certainly aren't the best dog keepers! It would help if they were a little more friendly but they haven't made any effort, even though we have-so why should we bother anymore?

And the other thing that really gets my goat is they don't clear up the dog poo-fair enough if it was only in their part of the yard but cos the dogs can go wherever they like it's all over our part of the yard and the barn as well. I have dogs but I just can't belive that some people can be like that with their animals..

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