I'm not going to just do it hence the questions and as for temp I'm afraid your wrong and there not native to the uk they originate from asia and have spread across the globe, Although they are very tolerant of most conditions, common carp prefer large bodies of slow or standing water and soft, vegetative sediments. A schooling fish, they prefer to be in groups of 5 or more. They naturally live in a temperate climate in fresh or slightly brackish water with a pH of 6.5–9.0 and salinity up to about 5‰,[14] and temperatures of 3 to 35 °C.[2] The ideal temperature is 23 to 30 °C, with spawning beginning at 17–18 °C; they will readily survive winter in a frozen over pond, as long as some free water remains below the ice.[14] Carp are able to tolerate water with very low oxygen levels, by gulping air at the surface.<That's from wikipedia. I am plannin on puttin them in a tank until they are larger because my friends pond accomadates huge carp and the little ones will get eaten